I like to go hear jazz late-night up in Harlem.

What gets me excited is the original principle.

Romesco with asparagus is simple and brilliant.

Without garlic I simply would not care to live.

Food is much better off the hand than the fork.

Success is measured by the memories you create.

I think every young cook wants to write a book.

I think the time of the formal dinners is over.

Porridge and the urban lifestyle don't mix well.

In Hong Kong, 'wonton' means swallowing a cloud.

Forget the cheap white wine: go to beef and gin!

I began cutting up fish when I was a little kid.

I am proof that the American dream still exists.

I never cooked at home - my father was the chef.

It's wild how chefs have become like rock stars.

I left school when I was 14 to work in kitchens.

I'm away 250 days a year. It's a tough situation.

Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.

I can't be on the cheeseburger diet all the time.

There’s something about pleasure I find annoying.

I'm always criticizing and only see the mistakes.

We're a new show. We can't afford instant replay.

Innovation, being avant garde, is always polemic.

I'm a freak of neat. The kitchen has to be clean.

We have never done anything in a cynical fake way

Too few people understand a really good sandwich.

A cookbook is only as good as its poorest recipe.

Life is an emotional rollercoaster. It really is.

Most people cringe at the thought of a casserole.

Food is all about balance; it is all about taste.

Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

I can't stand recipes that don't have background.

I don't do guilt. Whatever I do, I do it happily.

The world forgets about people who are not useful.

The way you make an omelet reveals your character.

I make friends faster and easier than journalists.

To me, there's no great chef without a great team.

I cant live without activity; I cant be sedentary.

When you cook under pressure you trade perfection.

If it doesn't taste good it doesn't go on the menu

A lot of country pubs will receive Michelin stars.

Food is our common ground, a universal experience.

People who love to eat are always the best people.

I think a ricotta cheesecake is very easy to make.

My father cried when I said I wanted to be a chef.

Eating a lot on the plane is not good for jet lag.

Only if you're from L.A. do you know Elysian Park.

I want to help build their basic food terminology.

My dad makes food with very few delicate flavours.

In vast parts of the world, people don't eat meat.

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