Geometry is the most complete science.

Most people can do nothing at all well

The past is pregnant with the present.

It is people like me who are isolated.

Hypotheses are what we lack the least.

Finally I'm becoming stupider no more.

Math research is more like a marathon.

Mathematical reasoning may be regarded.

Error is the price we pay for progress.

Rise above oneself and grasp the world.

Continuity in everything is unpleasant.

And the whole is greater than the part.

Experiment is the sole source of truth.

Just go on..and faith will soon return.

Mathematics is the science of patterns.

Finally I am becoming stupider no more.

Thoughts are steered in different ways.

The gospel to me is simply irresistible.

Eloquence is a painting of the thoughts.

Great and small suffer the same mishaps.

Not to be mad is another form of madness

I'm an academic. It's publish or perish.

Physics is much too hard for physicists.

How is an error possible in mathematics?

A good proof is one that makes us wiser.

Music that paints nothing is only noise.

I think Veblen had an interest in logic.

Dogmatism is the anti-Christ of learning.

I don't seek power and do not run around.

The stream is always purer at its source.

Look for the truth, it wants to be found.

Mathematics is the queen of the sciences.

Sire, there is no royal road to geometry.

Geometry is not true, it is advantageous.

Power is the by-product of understanding.

The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.

Where there is matter, there is geometry.

Ethics is obedience to the unenforceable.

God made the integers, man made the rest.

The heart of mathematics is its problems.

If ignorance were bliss, he'd be a blister

Ugly deeds are most estimable when hidden.

I've lived this long because I didn't die.

There is no problem that cannot be solved.

We live in the best of all possible worlds

All of mathematics is a tale about groups.

In Mathematics it is always best to cheat.

A genius is a man who has two great ideas.

I am the world's worst good bridge player.

Mathematics is written for mathematicians.

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