I love 'River's Edge.'

Edge is such a great guy.

I like living on the edge.

I like the edge of danger.

Life is lived on the edge.

I like walking on the edge.

I've got good speed off the edge.

For me, Edge was just a character.

All top players have an edge to them.

Uncertainty helps keep actors on edge.

We live at the edge of the miraculous.

I always want to be on the cutting edge.

The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.

I have a little bit more of an edge to me.

I suppose I'm always a little bit on edge.

Psychological edge is massive in sprinting.

The '60s had edge; the '70s had embroidery.

Basketball Without Borders gave me an edge.

I always played on my nerves - on the edge.

I want to be the guy out there on the edge.

Apple took the edge off the word 'computer.'

Diversity gives our city a competitive edge.

Though it sold very well, I hated 'The Edge.'

Jagged Edge is one of my favorite R&B groups.

Philly gives me that raw edge. We just do us.

So no, I don't think we've lost our edge at all.

I like old Disney films that have an edge to them.

I think it's more fun to play a hero with an edge.

I've always said this: Edge is purely a character.

I am still pushing the edge of what my body can do.

We're not trying to push the real provocative edge.

I play the game hard; I play the game with an edge.

A competitive edge has helped me through my career.

I like situations that push a character to the edge.

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.

The 'Edge And Christian Show' is evergreen, I guess.

We're the acceptable edge of the unacceptable stuff.

It's a matter of keeping people on a spontaneous edge.

Anytime I play another rookie, there's that extra edge.

Creativity has got to have some edge to it, doesn't it?

Saw' definitely had an edge to it that wasn't American.

Only on the edge of the grave can man conclude anything.

In The States I would have no edge, no advantage at all.

New York's got a little rougher edge to it than Chicago.

I like to fly close to the edge. I like to play with fire.

Whenever you're aggressive, you're at the edge of mistakes.

My style is simple, kinda girly, but with a bit of an edge.

Most of the time I play heroes, guys who don't have an edge.

There's a difference between having an edge and being stupid.

There's an edge to real rock 'n' roll. It's all that matters.

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