I'm finally dating. It's fun.

Geeks are finally having their day.

Finally I'm becoming stupider no more.

It's the good loser who finally loses out.

Finally, in conclusion, let me say just this.

Yeah, well, I finally stopped smoking for good.

I think I'm finally growing up - and about time.

As I've gotten older I look like a man, finally.

I'm finally locked into the now, and it's great.

I was very restless, but finally I found my way.

I've finally found my home - as Lt. Frank Drebin.

The year was 2081, and everyone was finally equal.

I know I'm late, but I've finally joined Facebook!

I've finally graduated from 'I don't give a hoot.'

I'm finally looking older and inviting my wrinkles.

My performances have finally caught up with my ego.

Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally.

The wise man does at once what the fool does finally.

Epitaph for a dead waiter - God finally caught his eye.

I'm finally just relaxed and comfortable with who I am.

Finally, I get to have houseplants and they stay alive.

I am finally glad to see that the jury is looking at me.

I finally said, I can't live being carried by this wake.

I've finally learned to love my voice for its uniqueness.

Finally, I found a program that's put my troubles behind me.

Conscience is our unerring judge until we finally stifle it.

Well, I realized finally that all of the hard work paid off.

The future is finally something that we can now put into focus.

What calmed me down finally was when my girlfriend got pregnant.

I finally felt that I came into my own when I went on the stage.

We finally got our big break when Ed Sullivan put us on his show.

I fell in love with running, and I finally have time to do it now.

I'm finally OK with the idea of who I love, who I want to be with.

I finally learned to love myself by dressing up as Geri Halliwell.

Finally, I was no longer a student and was making music for myself.

I'm finally a suburban housewife. Honestly, it's my dream come true.

I've found great solace in finally taking care of myself and others.

Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe.

Buddy Guy finally got a break and made it. And Buddy Guy deserves it.

Growing up, I was such a picky eater. I'm finally starting to expand.

There is no prejudice that the work of art does not finally overcome.

I've finally reached a stage in my career where I can do what I want.

So the animal finally performs in that situation only the fitting act.

It's like obituaries, when you die they finally give you good reviews.

Liberal democracy must finally become the vital element of our society.

I will always be a Barcelona supporter, no matter what finally happens.

When I finally held the trophy, it was just how I imagined it would be.

People have finally appreciated me for my performance in 'Hate Story 3.'

I was kicked out of The Stars And Stripes twice, and finally got back in.

The black situation has changed. They finally realized they're Americans.

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