Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself.

Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself.

Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel ...

Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel fulfilled.

Power is the by-product of understanding.

Immortality is a by-product of good work.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.

Freedom is the by-product of economic surplus.

I believe stardom is a by-product of good work.

The by-product is sometimes more valuable than the product.

Fame is, I think, just a disgusting by-product of what I do.

Success is a nice by-product but what I really want is work.

Self-acceptance has been a blessed by-product of middle age.

I believe that what we call beautiful is generally a by-product.

I firmly believe marriage should happen as a by-product of love.

I have never wanted to be famous, as such - fame is a by-product.

Divorce is a by-product of the fact that maybe the nuclear unit is gone.

I never do anything for money; I get paid a lot of money as a by-product.

You really have to love the work. You can't look for stardom. That's a by-product.

Fame isn't something I signed up for, it's just a by-product of what I wanted to do.

Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.

Talent is a by-product of education; the quality of a country's human capital depends on it.

Corruption is the by-product of discretion when there is scope for interpretation of policies.

Information, usually seen as the precondition of debate, is better understood as its by-product.

I don't believe that being an inspiring leader is a goal that you can aspire to. It is a by-product.

Liberalism is a most important by-product of Rationalism, and its origins and ideology must be clearly shown.

Stardom is only a by-product of acting. I don't think being a movie star is a good enough reason for existing.

One man's trash is another man's treasure, and the by-product from one food can be perfect for making another.

Virtue is simply happiness, and happiness is a by-product of function. You are happy when you are functioning.

I effectively stood on the shoulders of a giant to make a little bit of noise myself. I'm a by-product of Muhammad Ali.

Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.

Those who make happiness the chief objective of life are bound to fail, for happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself.

For many, the icon of the British Museum is the Rosetta Stone, that administrative by-product of the Greek imperial adventure in Africa.

Controversy seems to be a by-product of what I do, rather like offence is the by-product of a dog urinating on the pavement. It just happens.

As we all know, the budget decisions which give rise to increased debt are what counts, and the debt is just a by-product of those budget decisions.

Fame is an upshot of what I do. If you're a successful comedian or actor, then you're a famous one. But it's not the driving force. It's a by-product.

Fame is a by-product which you have to deal with in a sensible way. To believe that it is anything more significant than that is deeply self-deceptive.

I see happiness as a by-product. I don't think you can pursue happiness. I think that phrase is one of the very few mistakes the Founding Fathers made.

I started improvisation at age nine, and I loved it so much I stuck with it. As a by-product, acting was just something I was lucky enough to fall into.

British-built railways in India helped the British to make money and maintain order and, as a by-product, served to unite the country, ripe for independence.

British-built railways in India helped the British to make money and maintain order; but, as a by-product, they served to unite the country, making it ripe for independence.

One of the elements in the film that really fascinated me was not to look at the world in bi-polar terms of us vs them or east vs west, which was a by-product of the Cold War.

We move through soundscapes all the time, and most of them are accidental - a by-product. Most retail soundscapes are accidental, incongruent with the brands, and mostly hostile.

Happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself. It pops into your life unbidden, and then tends to pop out again. I'm on record as being depressive. It is related to winter.

My mother was a member of the Cape Coloured community. 'Coloured' is the South African word for the half-caste community that was a by-product of the early contact between black and white.

People don't use Airbnb overtly to trust people more. They use it because they want to get a better sense of the culture and to save money. A by-product was that they live in someone else's shoes.

In a person's career, well, if you're process-oriented and not totally outcome-oriented, then you're more likely to be success. I often say 'pursue excellence, ignore success.' Success is a by-product of excellence.

I have a controversial opinion about evil, because I don't believe evil exists. I believe that actions are dark and destructive but I don't believe evil is a thing. I believe it's a by-product of man's fear and desperation.

Google was founded to get information to everybody. A by-product of that strategy is that we invented an advertising business which has provided great economics that allows us to build the servers, hire the employees, create value.

For years I had lived in my body half-consciously, ignoring it mostly, dismissing its agendas wherever I could, and forever pressing it into the service of mental conceptions that resulted, almost as a by-product, sometimes in its pleasuring and sometimes in its abuse.

Advertisers don't want to be ignored, and they are drunk on our data, which is what Google and other large networks are really selling. The ads are almost a by-product; what companies really want to know is what antiperspirant a woman of 25-34 is most likely to purchase after watching 'House of Cards.'

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