Anger is a bow that will shoot sometimes where another feeling will not.

There is nothing that a New-Englander so nearly worships as an argument.

It is a man dying with his harness on that angels love to escort upward.

Regeneration is the cause of faith, not faith the cause of regeneration.

If you play the theatrics too much, you get in the way of your own cause.

When you got born again your past was not erased, it became non-existent.

He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.

It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Worry is rust upon the blade.

The bibliophile is the master of his books, the bibliomaniac their slave.

The pen is the tongue of the hand; a silent utterer of words for the eye.

The religion that fosters intolerance needs another Christ to die for it.

Everyone has conscience enough to hate; few have religion enough to love.

The One who knows the fullness of my sin loves me as my Father right now.

Crime is going down everywhere but in the New York City Police Department.

The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.

We never know the love of the parent for the child till we become parents.

We are but a point, a single comma, and God is the literature of eternity.

No emotion, any more than a wave, can long retain its own individual form.

To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.

We are always on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things.

A law is valuable not because it is law, but because there is right in it.

The highest order that was ever instituted on earth is the order of faith.

The mischiefs of anarchy have been equaled by the mischiefs of government.

Heaven is a place of restless activity, the abode of never-tiring thought.

We ought to be ten times as hungry for knowledge as for food for the body.

Refuse to be disheartened, discouraged, distracted from your goals in life.

Don't be afraid of who sits in the White House. God can triumph over Trump.

Man was never meant to be a god, but he is forever trying to deify himself.

It is for men to choose whether they will govern themselves or be governed.

The human soul is God's treasury, out of which he coins unspeakable riches.

Nowhere on the globe do men live so well as in America, or grumble so much.

You have typewriters, presses. And a huge audience. How about raising hell?

Dr. King used Gandhi's commitment to non-violence and to passive resistance.

With the Holy Spirit, you have it made! For you, life is already successful.

The Holy Ghost unveils God's Word to us; He reveals the things of God to us.

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.

The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.

Education is only like good culture,--it changes the size, but not the sort.

There is nothing that makes more cowards and feeble men than public opinion.

Very few men acquire wealth in such a manner as to receive pleasure from it.

God plants no yearning in the human soul that he does not intend to satisfy.

Refinement that carries us away from our fellow-men is not God's refinement.

Men are like trees: each one must put forth the leaf that is created in him.

The tidal wave of God's providence is carrying liberty throughout the globe.

Walking humbly, you are more of a man than you were when you walked proudly.

Love carries through many difficulties easily and makes heavy burdens light.

In abortion they are trying to destroy the last bastion of the image of God.

Everything I learned about the Great Depression was from a college textbook.

I've never seen a prosecutor hold a press conference to discredit the victim.

Sometimes God doesn't tell us His plan because we wouldn't believe it anyway.

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