The fullness of life is in the hazards of life.

It's lack that gives us inspiration. It's not fullness.

Any action, in the fullness of time, sinks to nothingness.

There is a fullness of all things, even of sleep and love.

Fullness of joy is discovered only in the emptying of will.

Love is luring us the fullness of our own being

Is the acorn better than the oak which is its fullness and completion?

The One who knows the fullness of my sin loves me as my Father right now.

Out of His fulness we receive, and grace for grace, — like wave upon wave.

Becoming human means discovering our fullness and learning to live from it.

I like to be surrounded by harmonies and fullness and richness and vitality

Yes, the fullness of the gospel is a pearl of great price worth any effort.

Only by owning who and what you are can you step into the fullness of life.

I like to be surrounded by harmonies and fullness and richness and vitality.

There is a fullness and calmness there which can come only from knowing pain.

Do your best every day and your life will gradually expand into satisfying fullness.

If you want to live in the fullness of God's anointing, fill your mouth with His Word.

The commands of God are given, not to rob me of joy, but lead me into the fullness of joy.

You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything but Christ.

Truth is within ourselves. There is an inmost center in us all, where the truth abides in fullness.

The word of God is complete, and those who don't preach the word in its fullness are false teachers.

Let those who, still in their youth, have preserved their faith and fullness of hope, keep looking up.

Each of my books is different. Deliberately... I wanted to create my society, my people, in their fullness.

Take time off to give to yourself, in a sense to fill yourself up to fullness, to where now you can overflow in giving.

Injustice boils in men's hearts as does steel in its cauldron, ready to pour forth, white hot, in the fullness of time.

Emptiness is not a mere emptiness, but rather fullness in which the distinctiveness of everything is throughly realized.

Meditation simplifies us, simplifies us to the point where we can receive the fullness of truth and the fullness of love.

Some are cursed with the fullness of satiety; and how can they bear the ills of life when its very pleasures fatigue them?

As we free ourselves from the suffering of 'something is wrong with me, 'we trust and express the fullness of who we are.'

The mustache - I was never happy with the fullness of it. I was a bit too young. Maybe I'll bring it back in my mid-thirties.

For them who delay aging, who infuse decrepit bodies with youth and beauty - they must rejoice in the fullness of their deeds.

From Romare Bearden I learned that the fullness and richness of everyday life can be rendered without compromise or sentimentality.

I never thought in a million years I'd be involved in a project that celebrated the fullness of my identity of being queer and Asian.

We all carry it within us: supreme strength, the fullness of wisdom, unquenchable joy. It is never thwarted, and cannot be destroyed.

You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

For swimsuits, a halter top with thick straps works wonders. It supports bigger busts, and the ruching gives fullness if you're smaller.

In the fullness of time, I suspect that bigotry against homosexuals will seem as repugnant as racial prejudice does today. Or so one hopes.

Fullness of knowledge always means some understanding of the depths of our ignorance; and that is always conducive to humility and reverence.

I think it's important for women to know that you don't have to compromise your fullness, your dopeness. You can be everything you want to be.

Beauty and fullness of tone can be achieved by having the whole orchestra play with high clarinets and a carefully selected number of piccolos.

The sexes were made for each other, and only in the wise and loving union of the two is the fullness of health and duty and happiness to be expected.

Let us not flutter too high, but remain by the manger and the swaddling clothes of Christ, 'in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.'

The earth is the Lord's fullness thereof: this is no longer a hollow dictum of religion, but a directive for economic action toward human brotherhood.

Winning and losing, that's never been my objective. It's my hope that in the fullness of time, the majority of the court will come to see things as I do.

I am already inherently full and complete as I am. Man doesn't need woman and woman doesn't need man in order to experience his or her inherent fullness.

There's a fullness that happens when someone is focussed on you. For me, if I'm being fully looked at and paid attention to and seen, I'm filled up by that.

To be filled with God is a great thing, to be filled with the fullness of God is still greater; to be filled with all the fullness of God is greatest of all.

To be filled with God, is a great thing; to be filled with the fulness of God, is still greater; to be filled with all the fulness of God, is greatest of all.

Most significantly, the fullness of the priesthood contained in the highest ordinances of the house of the Lord can be received only by a man and woman together.

But I will say that living in Ireland has changed the cadence and fullness of speech, since the Irish love words and use as many of them in a sentence as possible.

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