I insist upon the view that 'all is waves'.

Diversity is really a richness for mankind.

Nothing is boring if you look at carefully.

Nature is written in mathematical language.

Further, science is a collaborative effort.

Fusion will be ready when society needs it.

We don't let animals suffer, so why humans?

One should love animals. They are so tasty.

I want my books sold on airport bookstalls.

As we get older, things seem less important.

Democracy means decision by those concerned.

The eyes of childhood are magnifying lenses.

I was born in Palo Alto, California in 1961.

Most of what we see in the universe is dust.

Mathematics is really an art, not a science.

Hypotheses non fingo. I frame no hypotheses.

That's progress: when we prove things wrong.

If it disagrees with experiment, it's wrong.

No one really understands quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense.

Look up at the stars, not down at your feet.

Scientists tend to risk theories they admire

My three children have brought me great joy.

Regret is unnecessary. Think before you act.

God does not exist and Dirac is His prophet.

In Hilbert space no one can hear you scream.

Anything will lase if you hit it hard enough.

I have to be where the best work can be done.

Ego-centeredness is not individuality at all.

Secrecy, once accepted, becomes an addiction.

I was partly old-fashioned and partly modern.

The optimist regards the future as uncertain.

I got quite good results from protein plates.

Knowing thyself, that is the greatest wisdom.

To travel hopefully is better than to arrive.

Nothing is more practical than a good theory.

Different astronauts sleep in different ways.

People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.

Only time - whatever that may be - will tell.

Quality doesn't improve by sitting on things.

There's only one earth. And there's no spare.

A world with one month is a world of equality.

Nature, not human activity, rules the climate.

In 1956 we observed the electron antineutrino.

The greatest wisdom is to get to know oneself.

Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.

Nature's great book is written in mathematics.

Cities tolerate crazy people. Companies don't.

I simply liked looking at the world around us.

A scientific theory is a tool and not a creed.

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