I'm pretty slow at writing papers.

Universe consists of frozen light.

Life is short and progress is slow

I had both male and female heroes.

While there's life, there is hope.

What lies north of the North Pole?

Continents of memory had been lost.

Life is short and progress is slow.

Science advances funeral by funeral

Women. They are a complete mystery.

Half the battle is just showing up.

Now I know what the atom looks like.

Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge.

Let the universe show us what it is.

Truth and clarity are complementary.

Matter moves, but Ether is strained.

Science and fun cannot be separated.

Quiet people have the loudest minds.

We waste time, so you don't have to.

I like physics, but I love cartoons.

We've created life in our own image.

Ampere was the Newton of Electricity.

Celebrate our brief moment in the sun

We mathematicans are all a bit crazy.

There's plenty of room at the bottom.

Thank you very Much, I enjoyed myself

Maxwell is the physicist's physicist.

It matters if you don't just give up.

Perhaps one day I will go into space.

You cannot think when you're ecstatic.

Committees do harm merely by existing.

Natures' curriculum cannot be changed.

Einstein, stop telling God what to do!

What I can't create I don't understand

I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring.

I was indeed very slow as a youngster.

The universe doesn't allow perfection.

There is no unique picture of reality.

I would rather be right than rigorous.

People think I'm a Simpsons character.

Politics is a lot tougher than physics.

Hunting is doing business with animals.

The organism feeds on negative entropy.

Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense.

My father worked at the Grain Exchange.

The bottom line: Earth is not mediocre.

Science advances one funeral at a time.

A brain without a body could not think.

I'm smart enough to know that I'm dumb.

It is simple, therefore it is beautiful

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