Climate change is crap.

Bed is the perfect climate.

Coal is a portable climate.

Climate change is a reality.

The only perfect climate is bed.

Of course climate change is real.

The climate informs the character.

Manners are love in a cool climate.

Time is running out for the climate

The climate continues to deteriorate.

a culture is no better than its woods

A climate in which belief may flourish

Climate change is my greatest concern.

Today's business climate is not for me.

I do [believe climate change is man-made].

I do believe that [climate change] is real.

Climate change is a global commons problem.

Britain possesses no climate, only weather.

...heaven for climate, and hell for society.

The antidote to climate change is community.

The climate change argument is absolute crap

Big writers become a kind of shared climate.

In the end, climate change is a math problem.

Global warming, climate change, it's a total.

Our changing climate has changed our politics.

Nature, not human activity, rules the climate.

I don’t know the science behind climate change.

It is your human environment that makes climate

Culture is not a matter of a change of climate.

We will respond to the threat of climate change

Obama's record on climate issues is not all bad.

Climate has been changing for billions of years.

Time is running out to deal with climate change.

The changing climate is a threat to human rights.

Forget hydrogen, forget hydrogen, forget hydrogen.

Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.

The global business climate is likewhatever, dude.

Climate change is the greatest threat of our time.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.

I feel passionate about solving the climate crisis.

Climate change threatens every man, woman and child.

A republic may be called the climate of civilization.

We may achieve climate, but weather is thrust upon us.

There's a difference between climate & weather, moron!

What do we do about climate change bearing down upon us?

We don't have good global policies in place for climate.

Cities are where the climate battle will be won or lost.

The European nations take climate change very seriously.

You can't tackle climate change until you tackle poverty.

Climate change is the mother of all hysterias of the Left

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