Old age and the passage of time teach all things.

Old age and the passage of time teach all things.

We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of ...

We are not victims of aging, sickness and death. These are part of scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.

I will stay in my bed!

Be kind to an old man.

I shall hear in heaven.

Age will flatten a man.

Old age is a shipwreck.

I'm not afraid of aging.

A snow year, a rich year.

Avoid being a 'groan' up.

I am an aging Girl Scout.

Now is the age of anxiety.

In Italy, age is an asset.

I have aging as a disease.

Youth passes like a dream.

When I dream, I am ageless.

Life is long if it is full.

Don't die until you're dead.

No lie ever reaches old age.

I believe in aging gracefully

I grow more intense as I age.

Systems die; instincts remain.

Grief is the price of victory.

Most of our future lies ahead.

I believe in aging gracefully.

I am in the prime of senility.

Old age is the verdict of life.

Age is inevitable. Aging isn't.

...an old man is twice a child.

He who has good health is young.

Kids haven't changed - you have.

In a dream you are never eighty.

I've never been scared of aging.

Wrecked on the lee shore of age.

Now is the time to become a myth.

I'm glad I haven't lived in vain.

If I were younger, I'd know more.

The old are in a second childhood.

I like life. It's something to do.

Old age transfigures or fossilizes.

...there is no old age of the soul.

Life, the permission to know death.

Time is the thief you cannot banish.

Your world is as big as you make it.

Getting old is not for sissies, kid.

Dawn comes slowly but dusk is rapid.

I prefer old age to the alternative.

To retire is the beginning of death.

Age is a limit we impose on ourselves.

Old-fogyism is comfortably closing in.

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