Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow ...

Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.

It takes visions and courage to create. It takes faith and courage to ...

It takes visions and courage to create. It takes faith and courage to prove.

Macho doesn't prove mucho.

Macho does not prove mucho

Understate and over-prove.

Macho does not prove mucho.

I love proving people wrong.

I just want to prove myself.

A witty quote proves nothing.

I like to prove things wrong.

I don't have to prove anything.

The shadow proves the sunshine.

Jesters do often prove prophets.

I'm not trying to prove anything.

Science probes; it does not prove.

World War II proves there's no God.

I can't prove it, but I can say it.

I've got nothing to prove to anyone.

I have to prove myself to everybody.

I don't have anything else to prove.

The Fear of Death often proves Mortal.

The exception does not prove the rule.

I have to prove myself five times over.

Why argue about things you can't prove?

We prove, we do not explain, our birth.

Trivial losses often prove great gains.

All young men want to prove themselves.

I just feel like I have a lot to prove.

I ain't got nothing to prove to nobody.

Faith is believing what we cannot prove.

I never think I have to prove something.

The result proves the wisdom of the act.

How dangerous can false reasoning prove!

innocence is the hardest thing to prove.

I think I don't have as much to prove now.

All my life has been about proving myself.

Funerals prove that someone is really gone.

I am the best hope to prove the Flat Earth.

You don't have to prove anything to anyone.

What you do simply proves what you believe.

I didn't feel I had to prove anything more.

Don't show up to prove. Show up to improve.

Being afreaid proves you're alive and awake.

And sometimes we die to prove that we lived.

That's progress: when we prove things wrong.

Relationships are a proving ground for love.

Illness is the proving ground of friendship.

There are always more people to prove wrong.

One thing about pain: It proves you're alive.

I'm not playing to prove anything to anybody.

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