The worst thing a government can do now in Spain is to do nothing.

The main target for the next years should be growth and job creation.

Spain is finding it very difficult to finance itself with sovereign debt risk premium so high.

The distance separating the statute and constitutionality is so abysmal that negotiations are impossible.

It is no secret to anyone that we are going to rule in the most delicate circumstances Spain has faced in 30 years.

Europe must dissipate any doubts over the euro, affirm that the euro is an irreversible project and act in consequence.

There won't be any miracles. We never promised any. But as we have said before, when things are done properly, the results come in.

We have to change economic policy: create confidence, foster investment, cut the public deficit, restructure taxation and reform the labor laws.

We have to change economic policy: create confidence, foster investment, cut the public deficit, restructure taxation, and reform the labor laws.

I am in favor of reducing all budget items. But the item I don't want to reduce is the pension expenditure because it affects the weakest part of society.

Spain is facing an economic situation of extreme difficulty, I repeat, of extreme difficulty, and anyone who doesn't understand that is fooling themselves.

There are countries that are near ours which are in the situation which we all know. I want to say that this is not the case of Spain now and it will not be in the future.

For me, there will be no enemies but unemployment, the deficit, excessive debt, economic stagnation and anything else that keeps our country in these critical circumstances.

We all have our problems and we are working to find a solution to ours and also to help the eurozone. We expect that other countries should do the same, that they be prudent in their statements.

Talking and pledging is very easy but governing is slightly more difficult, the policy reforms that we've implemented have worked, and backtracking would be a blunder. When I see that, with the help of Podemos, the Socialists wants to change everything we've done, I just think it's bad for Spain.

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