Madness is just what a genius looks like to a tiny mind.

I don't know. I can't tell the future I just work there.

I was, for some reason, born knowing how to get married.

If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I'm gonna be really pissed.

I think that 'The Shield' was a phenomenal series finale.

I'm a big believer in practical and location photography.

I realized all the writing I love lives in the gray area.

You'll go out of business if you think people are stupid.

Have you met the French? My...GOD they know how to party!

Well, I'm permitted to say anything I like. I just don't.

I don't think anybody wants to see a dour Star Trek movie.

To fully appreciate the music, you have to see the misery.

There's more to us than the moment we made a bad decision.

I love crime procedurals. I always have. I love cop shows.

I've got a contract that keeps me around a few more years.

People act on the outside the way they feel on the inside.

One person's magical thinking is another person's cynicism.

I like to find ideas where the research is going to be fun.

We've enjoyed laying the foundation for 'The Flash' series.

Television is so much about continuing to work with people.

It's not enough to do good. You have to be seen doing good.

I don't think anybody wants to see a dour 'Star Trek' movie.

I've been broke, and I've been in debt, and broke is better.

I'm a member of the Pacific Council on International Policy.

A good movie with bad music can kill a great dramatic scene.

Drug addicts, when they are in their addiction, are selfish.

In L.A., the only thing within walking distance is your car.

If you do something awesome, you should be proud of yourself.

People are simply incapable of prolonged, sustained goodness.

It's always better to go personal and painful than to go big.

Facebook was just John the Baptist. Twitter is the real deal.

I'm a huge Ira Glass fan; I'm a huge fan of radio in general.

There are a lot of really good shows that don't win anything.

One of the most powerful things we have is to tell our story.

As always, things happen sooner rather than later on 'Arrow.'

The first half of my TV career, I didn't do any genre at all.

I wanted to meet Bob Hope, and I got to know him pretty well.

Being the only writer on a successful show is very rewarding.

If you're not married, chances are you think a lot about you.

My gravestone will say,'Here Lies Damon Lindelof - Or Does He?

We all look at ourselves in the mirror and think, 'Am I good?'

I like to tell stories that have beginnings, middles and ends.

If vaudeville had died, television was the box they put it in.

I wanted always to be a storyteller of the fullest expression.

I'd forgotten not all victories are about saving the universe.

You can't trick The Universe - it's like Santa Claus that way.

The bane of every TV writer's existence is the likability note.

The status quo is never happy when things become a meritocracy.

It's always dangerous when boring people think they're creative.

My gravestone will say, 'Here Lies Damon Lindelof - Or Does He?'

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