If Hitler’s still alive, I hope he’s out of town with a musical.

In DC Comics, Blue Devil is a superhero who came out of a movie.

I love characters who are really dedicated to a really bad plan.

I love 'The Office' format so much that I wanted to close it out.

I bemoaned the pending loss of Obamacare/the Affordable Care Act.

Originally, with all the shows, we went looking for belly laughs.

All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.

See the bowtie? I wear it and I don't care. That's why it's cool.

Being Politically Correct means always having to say you're sorry.

Compared to the spoken word, a picture is a pitiful thing, indeed.

People are disappointed when the world doesn't end on their watch.

I'm lucky to be alive. It's a blessing to tell my story, you know.

Babies are always more trouble than you thought and more wonderful.

The goal of tyrants is tyranny, and the goal of tyranny is tyranny.

It's hard asking someone with a broken heart to fall in love again.

Mythologies become exhausting burdens, from a writer's perspective.

The outside world is what kept Buffy and Angel from being together.

Setting goals is good to do, to make your dreams come true for you.

You always want to start with a bang and put your best food forward.

If there is a reason to believe in God, it would be the Havana Leaf.

Archie Bunker used to call me 'the laziest white kid he'd ever met.'

If it’s time to go, remember what you’re leaving. Remember the best.

The fundamental law of nature is to not know too much about yourself.

I've always felt that really good prequels should be original movies.

One of things we say on 'Arrow' is, 'The only constant is evolution.'

What's the point of being a grown-up if you don't get to be immature?

The deal is: most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them.

As a writer, all you want to do is write for great actors. That's all.

If something ain't working, it ain't working. You can't stick with it.

The only way to avoid age discrimination in Hollywood is to die young.

So we gravitated to shows and issues and causes that made people care.

I never met who I really wanted to meet, and that was Charlie Chaplin.

Reinette: One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.

I'm not glass-half-full, glass-half-empty; I'm like, "There's a glass?"

I've had a lifelong obsession with urban legends and American folklore.

Your half-caff double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis.

A good fragrance is really a powerful cocktail of memories and emotion.

I've always been interested in themes of memory, paranoia, and revenge.

This choice is yours, and will only be yours, it's up to you to commit.

Regret is a tricky word. Here's a big secret: nobody knows what wasn't.

Nobody's reasonable when they're in love. That's the whole point of it.

Loving myself exactly where I am is the only way to get where I'm going

Usually monsters are some aspect of human behavior or humanity at large.

In a novel, the only budgetary limitations are that of your imagination.

It can go two ways with girls: They either bond or eat each other alive.

I tweet too much. I can't even pretend it's because I'm talking to fans.

I always think the audience sometimes wants what you're not giving them.

Nobody doubts my partisanship, but a lot of the activity is nonpartisan.

Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek? Subtract Love, add Anger.

Successful avengers, who are good men at heart, will always be saddened.

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