I find the world more absurd now than I did when I was a kid.

God knows the times I have found myself in absurd situations.

Obviously Madonna reinforces everything absurd and offensive.

Nothing is too absurd to be said by some of the philosophers.

In life, a lot of great ideas sound insane or absurd at first.

It's absurd to talk about paintings that you haven't finished.

Ladies playing cricket? Absurd. Just like a man trying to knit

Most of the basic truths of life sound absurd at first hearing.

In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.

It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion.

To believe in God is impossible not to believe in Him is absurd.

People will believe absurd things - in the 19th century and now.

There is no statement so absurd that no philosopher will make it.

Life is tragic and absurd, and none of it has any purpose at all.

It is as absurd to argue men, as to torture them, into believing.

Asking Muslims to stay away from social media is downright absurd.

Life itself is pretty funny when you realize how absurd it can be.

I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech.

I have this absurd feeling that I can win every game with any team.

I'm definitely a centrist and feel like both parties can be absurd.

I love the absurd - kind of absurdist comedy, absurd things in life.

A flatterer never seems absurd: The flatter'd always takes his word.

It's quite absurd to act against a smoke creature that is not there.

Hollywood comedy has gotten really silly and absurd, and I like that.

A man who has become conscious of the absurd is for ever bound to it.

I like the absurd and the surreal: the Coen brothers, Bunuel, Kubrick.

A translation in verse . . . seems to me something absurd, impossible.

To be interested in food but not in food production is clearly absurd.

Look at 'Batman' - that was theater of the absurd, as is 'Family Guy.'

I know it sounds absurd, but 11 months old, I did my first commercial.

Most Americans would agree that Plowshares is a Theatre of the Absurd.

If you find life absurd, shouldn’t you find death precisely meaningful?

My first feeling about the paper and the attitude is that it is absurd.

Dance looks absurd on film, I think, like little puppets moving around.

We must do extraordinary things. We have to. It would be absurd not to.

I couldn't imagine 'True Grit' in 3D. I think the idea is sort of absurd.

There is nothing so absurd that some philosopher has not already said it.

It would be absurd to say I'm not British - you can hear it when I speak.

Secretly we're all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

When people conclude that all is futile, then the absurd becomes the norm.

I never asserted such an absurd thing as that things arise without a cause.

The absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities.

The realization that life is absurd cannot be an end, but only a beginning.

In the world of 'Tim and Eric,' everything is big and ridiculous and absurd.

It's absurd that you know more about your car than you know about your body.

Insinuations that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is my brother are absurd and offensive.

I draw from the Absurd three consequences: my revolt, my liberty, my passion.

The less we have, the more we give. Seems absurd, but it's the logic of love.

Consider it: Who but God could have dreamed a tale so absurd and so heartless?

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