I long to see everything, to know everything, to learn everything!.

Beneath every no lays a passion for yes that had never been broken.

We would have to settle for the elegant goal of becoming ourselves.

A man must live in the world and make the best of it, such as it is.

The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering.

Social standing does not necessarily translate to social acceptance.

Wonderful maxim: not to talk of things any more after they are done.

A harmonized mind produces harmony in this world of seeming discord.

If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you.

The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source.

A tomb now suffices him for whom the whole world was not sufficient.

Despair is the price one pays for setting himself an impossible aim.

Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system.

I am not myself in any degree ashamed of having changed my opinions.

Unconditional acceptance of others is the key to happy relationships.

Once you accept your own death, all of a sudden you are free to live.

The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease.

Certainly tolerance and acceptance were at the forefront of my music.

The ship of heaven guides itself and will not accept a wooden rudder.

A living faith in God means acceptance of the brotherhood of mankind.

I'm not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body.

You learn more from ten days of agony than from ten years of content.

For this is wisdom: to live, to take what fate, or the Gods, may give.

If you live for people’s acceptance you will die from their rejection.

Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it.

But with trust we can strive to accept even what we cannot understand.

I think 'understanding' and 'acceptance' are the most important words.

Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice.

Bad humor is an evasion of reality; good humor is an acceptance of it.

Live forgiveness every day rather than just talking about it on Sunday.

The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours.

Tolerance ain't the same as acceptance, even though we all wish it was.

Solitude is essentially the discovery and acceptance of our uniqueness.

What are the "maximum" limits of acceptance of the term "intellectual"?

I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.

Expect nothing and accept everything and you will never be disappointed.

The Internet is accelerating the speed of acceptance and social justice.

I have lost the consolation of faith/ though not the ambition to worship

An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing.

Email cannot die in the near future because of its universal acceptance.

Autism is not a choice. Acceptance is. Imagine if the opposite was true.

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.

Creativity flourishes when we have a sense of safety and self-acceptance.

Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It doesn't work, and it annoys the pig.

If a path to the better there be, it begins with a full look at the worst.

The first step in this process of mindfulness is radical self-acceptance .

Mysticism is the acceptance that everything cannot be logically explained.

Man has to live with the body and soul which have fallen to him by chance.

In the presence of eternity, the mountains are as transient as the clouds.

The gardener uses both roses in the flowerbed and thorns in making fences.

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