I like order, structure, and accomplishing goals.

I'm not happy until I'm going forward and accomplishing goals.

I look up to people who succeed in accomplishing their dreams.

The Federal Reserve is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives.

For what I've overcome and am still overcoming, and accomplishing, says a lot.

If you spend your time thinking about competition, you're not accomplishing much.

It's really hard for a lot of men to have the woman accomplishing more than them.

I don't know what I was expecting or what I was dreaming about the xx accomplishing.

Greatness is accomplishing the unrequired - doing what is right beyond what is expected.

Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties.

I'm trying not to overwork the muscles because I'm thinking about accomplishing this great feat.

One of the good things about accomplishing something is that it helps your self-image of yourself.

Given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying around, I'd rather lie around. No contest.

Setting a goal, accomplishing it, and feeling good about yourself can help build confidence and perseverance.

The only thing cooler than having a dream and accomplishing that dream is getting to do it with your buddies.

You shoot as high as you can but if you don't end up there you can still end up accomplishing something great.

My son's a big John Cena fan and obviously a big fan of mine who is very proud of everything I'm accomplishing.

I was very invested in being smart and thought to be smart was more important than accomplishing anything in life.

Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.

Women are capable of accomplishing just as much as men are but aren't always given the same attention and opportunity.

There is nothing that anybody could do to make me any prouder of my daughter than what she's accomplishing at Harvard.

I'm proud of where NXT has come and all the girls and what they are accomplishing and how they have changed for the better.

I didn't originally intend on writing a book. I started writing during the day to feel like I was accomplishing something creative.

I have long-since said that working... together and accomplishing things in a bipartisan way doesn't mean compromising your values.

I don't really love writing. I don't love the feeling of starting a new file. But I love the feeling of overcoming and accomplishing.

I've only had two rules: Do all you can and do it the best you can. It's the only way you ever get that feeling of accomplishing something.

There's a difference between standing up and telling people what you're planning to do and standing up and going and accomplishing something.

In film, you have the luxury of accomplishing what you need in 24 frames every second. Comics, you only have five or six panels a page to do that.

Like any good RPG, 'Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning' is adept at digging its claws into that part of your brain that just loves accomplishing things.

Growing up, I'd always been told that my biggest weakness was my body and how that was probably going to hold me back from accomplishing my dreams.

I didn't have stage parents and sometimes I've envied people who did because I felt like, I guess, I'm compulsively worried I'm not accomplishing enough.

I don't stand in anybody else's way of accomplishing their dreams, and I don't like people standing in my way, either. That seems like a hostile thing to do.

Democrats' attack on the Republican majority leader is nothing but a coordinated agenda to stop an effective leader from accomplishing the people's business.

I came to Washington understanding what the Senate is capable of accomplishing and knowing that I'd have myriad opportunities as a senator to get things done.

If, by demanding revolutionary change, I run the risk of accomplishing nothing on behalf of the public, then I'm not sure that's a responsible course of action.

It doesn't matter whether you are pursuing success in business, sports, the arts, or life in general: The bridge between wishing and accomplishing is discipline.

It's wonderful that we're portraying women in this way so that young women can see that women actually are strong and capable of accomplishing all kinds of things.

I think true artificial general intelligence would be a system that is able to perform human-level reasoning, understanding, and accomplishing of complicated tasks.

Honest talk about the deficit is risky. Voters are more enthusiastic about the abstract notion of deficit reduction than about the painful details of accomplishing it.

I try not to look at my schedule for the week because I'll get so overwhelmed. Every day, there are multiple things to be done and 10 things I don't end up accomplishing.

Congress will pass a law restricting public comment on the Internet to individuals who have spent a minimum of one hour actually accomplishing a specific task while on line.

This also is a part of the teaching of the Church, that there are certain angels of God, and certain good influences, which are His servants in accomplishing the salvation of men.

Any time I broke through the 'glass ceiling' by accomplishing things that foreigners weren't apparently able to do, they've been huge personal victories and career highlights for me.

I've been managing myself for some time now, and after accomplishing many goals here in Brazil, I knew it was time to make new contacts and do bigger things on an international level.

It is the ability of governments to acquire money without direct taxation that makes modern warfare possible, and a central bank has become the preferred method of accomplishing that.

For me, I feel like I'm slowly accomplishing what I've always wanted to do. I've always dreamed really big, and my mom planted that in all three of my siblings: 'You guys can do anything.'

In any campaign you make a lot of promises and you talk about a wide range of issues. When you're elected, the work of accomplishing those goals has to be sequenced. You can't do everything at once.

Charlie would be so proud of what these young people are accomplishing today and, in true Charlie fashion, would encourage them to walk to the very edge of their comfort zone and then take another step.

I think if I wasn't a musician, I would be a high-school band director or orchestra director. I like working with large groups of musicians and bringing out the dynamics and accomplishing something as a team.

It makes me feel good to do some things for my people. I believe we really help. I know we are not changing the world, but we try to help different people in different situations and we think we are accomplishing it.

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