I think I am an adult.

I think the word is adult!

I'm not sure I'm adult yet.

Adults are the real monsters.

Adults are only kids grown up

Tact is just lying for adults.

Cheese. The adult form of milk.

I don't need adult supervision.

Jesus is Santa Claus for Adults.

The adults were completely wrong.

If children could, if adults knew.

Adults are only obsolete children.

Adults are just outdated children.

Evolution is a fairy tale for adults

I'm generally intimidated by adults.

Some children are wiser than adults.

What has happened to the adult human?

When adults wage war, children perish.

Adults under threat feel like children.

At times like this, adults need a drink

I love doing serious movies for adults.

Acting, is not a profession for adults.

Adults are just children who earn money.

A lot of adults are very into Halloween.

An adult male weighs at least 200 pounds

Adult stem cells tend not to form tumors.

An adult is just a child who started to rot

What Washington needs is adult supervision.

Dad was the only adult male I ever trusted.

Novels are make-believe and play for adults.

I was really poor for most of my adult life.

It's not a character flaw to become an adult.

I'm fascinated in the children within adults.

Adult males are what their moms designed them.

All my adult life people have been helping me.

Sometimes I don't feel like a functioning adult

As an adult, I can't blame my parents any more.

Children do run from me. And so do some adults.

Inside every adult male is a denied little boy.

I know plenty of adults who act like teenagers.

As much as 80% of adult "success" comes from EQ.

Children refuse to compromise. Adults learn how.

Dare to be the adults we want our children to be.

Babies cannot eat meat but some adults like milk.

Every adult was once a child free from prejudice.

The best things in life don't come in adult sizes.

Growing up, I was a kid pretending to be an adult.

I refuse to grow up. I won't become the adult guy.

An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals.

The stuff adults tell you not to do is the easiest.

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