She's a real adventurer, my mother.

The bold adventurer succeeds the best.

I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure

I've always been an adventurer, an explorer.

I am not, by nature, an explorer or an adventurer.

The adventurer in me would love to visit Patagonia, Chile.

But I'm an adventurer. I like invention, I like discovery.

Nothing need be apprehended from this miserable adventurer.

A plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source.

I'm afraid I'm an incorrigible life-lover, life-wonderer, and adventurer.

It is invidious to distinguish particular men as adventurers: we are all such.

I'm not sure who I am. That's why I keep saying I'm an adventurer that goes out.

Arcadia was a typical venture capital deal, but I'm the adventurer and the capitalist.

The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate.

What I find interesting about Captain Action is that he is more an adventurer and spy than he is a soldier.

I like the idea of the adventurer's spirit. I think that is very much what a man searches for, in a certain way.

I was an adventurer, and I got married a few times. I kept trying to find a relationship as good as my parents'.

I am sort of an adventurer. I like to explore new places. I don't get to travel as often as I would like but I love it.

My dad was an adventurer, my mother a romantic. When they met in college, both were creative writers; the writing was a bond.

I'm an adventurer and I enjoy all types of things, and eating is a part of that. It's just too bad we have to watch what we eat.

I'm a rock climber, a high-altitude climber, an adventurer, a storyteller through my museums, and a writer of more than 50 books.

Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.

Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.

…not a fighter… an adventurer. He doesn’t attack, he engages; He doesn’t defend, he expands; He doesn’t destroy, he transforms; He doesn’t reject, he explores; ….

I am not an adventurer or a writer, I am a person who thinks life is too short and if there is something you fancy doing you should have a go and see how far you get.

Ever since the morning of May 29, 1953, when Tenzing Norgay and I became the first climbers to step onto the summit of Mount Everest, I've been called a great adventurer.

I want to explore the world properly, to be able to write about and take pictures of all kinds of different cultures. Just be an explorer or adventurer. I also love extreme sports.

I'm crazy about my father, he's an amazing man, a real adventurer. He took us with him to travel all over the world. We were in places that were so remote, that white people hardly ever reach them.

Within 18 months of my parents' marriage in 1900, my mother fell in love with an Englishman who would have described himself as a gentleman but who was, in fact, nothing more than a devious adventurer.

I'm an adventurer. There are so many things I'd like to do. I'd love to do an Angelina Jolie and dress in lycra and kick the crap out of somebody in a movie. It doesn't matter how rubbish the script is.

My biggest regret is by far doing the Travel Channel show, 'Bert the Adventurer.' I spent seven years away from my family. I don't regret the job or working for the channel; I regret being away from home.

The vanishing of David Tang is like the unthinkable diappearance of a magnificent palace on a mythical mountaintop. He was a dreammaker, pianist, adventurer, writer, entrepreneur, scholar, connoisseur, and a great friend.

I am a novelist turned temporary adventurer, and I chose to write television, movies and plays for much the same reason that Henry Morgan selected the Spanish Main for his peculiar - and not dissimilar - sphere of operations.

My maternal great-grandfather Don Juan del Gallego was a Spanish adventurer from Asturias, Spain. He sailed on a galleon ship to the Philippines. He then went to the Bicol region to build a town that eventually became known as Del Gallego.

It was like my part-time job as a kid to be an adventurer... in my head. I used to sword-fight in the garden and in the park - with my Nan, of all people, with my Nan who can barely walk! I used to make her run around, and I'd go around destroying these trees and cones and stuff.

Dickinson is my hero because she was a joker, because she would never explain, because as a poet she confronted pain, dread and death, and because she was capable of speaking of those matters with both levity and seriousness. She's my hero because she was a metaphysical adventurer.

That's the great thing about being an actor: Stuff shows up that you never thought was going to go down. You get to play or experience an area of the world that - you know, I live a pretty simple life, I'm not much of an adventurer. I like my couch and my television. So when stuff comes up in the job, it's a good deal.

Peter Fleming was a famous English traveler, explorer and adventurer, whose non-fiction books were hugely successful. My father owned signed copies of all of them - he and Peter Fleming had become acquainted over some detail of set design at the Korda film studio in Shepperton - and I had read each of them with breathless adolescent excitement.

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