Nothing really affected me until Elvis.

Affected simplicity is a subtle imposture.

I'm very affected by what I watch and read.

Affected simplicity is an elegant imposture.

Everything I did in politics affected somebody.

A woman's mind is affected by the meanest gifts.

The entire ocean is affected by a single pebble.

Close-Up has affected later films that I've made.

It's hard not to be affected by the live audience.

He who is affected by an insult is infected by it.

I think 9/11 affected everybody in one way or another.

The making of music is profoundly affected by the market.

Diabetes affects my family. One of my kids is affected by it.

Mawah meenon ne le plus poohlala," I say with an affected bow.

Mad, adj. Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence.

If I have affected someone in a positive way, that means a lot to me.

The natural man will probably be manly. The affected man cannot be so.

Dance music is like a virus: it has affected so many different genres.

I have affected the way women are regarded, and that's important to me.

I'm affected by my environment. Los Angeles makes me defensive and wary.

When people are deeply affected by the Word, they tell it to other people.

I am affected by what is around. I don't think many people would admit that.

Never define yourself in terms of how you are negatively affected by others.

When you're writing you're affected by everything that's going on around you.

Strikers need to score goals and when they don't their confidence is affected.

Music is powerful. As people listen to it, they can be affected. They respond.

You can absolutely drive through an atmospheric bomb test and not be affected.

My dementia hasn't just affected me - it's affected my friends and family, too.

There are threads in our lives. You pull one, and everything else gets affected.

I try not to get affected by criticism as it is unwanted and I can't control it.

Every style formed elaborately on any model must be affected and straight-laced.

It is salutary to train oneself to be no more affected by censure than by praise.

Nothing affected me until I heard Elvis. Without Elvis there would be no Beatles.

Your success will be affected by the quality and quantity of new ideas you suggest.

I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.

When 'Fitoor' didn't work, it affected me a lot. It hurts when a film doesn't do well.

When someone does a small task beautifully, their whole environment is affected by it.

I am inspired and affected by Aspen, the light and the landscape and the natural world.

I'm the perfect candidate to be affected by SARS. I'm highly susceptible to infections.

The idea that our mental life is affected by hidden causes is a mainstay of psychology.

The more choices we give patients affected by depression, the better we will serve them.

I hear people say it affected your self-esteem to be segregated. It never affected mine.

The hopeless grief of those poor colored people affected me more than almost anything else.

The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.

The guitar influence that affected my songwriting came from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal.

Cancer has affected my family; my mother and father have battled cancer. I know how tough it is.

It is not sufficient to see and to know the beauty of a work. We must feel and be affected by it.

My heart is heavy for the people of Paris, Beirut, and other nations affected by ISIS terrorists.

Rising prices of essential commodities has affected the day-to-day life of people of this country.

Cancer is the great equalizer. Everyone is affected by it either themselves or through loved ones.

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