I've covered so much Tom Waits. He's one of my favorite writers. I have a real affinity to how he writes.

I don't know what it says about me that I have a greater affinity with the damaged. Probably nothing good.

I have an affinity with Algeria, because I grew up with plenty of Algerian friends in the suburbs of Paris.

I've always had an affinity for writers who have a poetry background, so I always liked Tennessee Williams.

Transparency and liquidity make sense in my head, so that's why I have an affinity for blockchain as a whole.

I have to say, I have an affinity for Bossanova. It's very warm-sounding to me - lush and simple. I like that.

I have an affinity for writing in the first person. I love the intimacy of being dropped inside the character.

Films like 'Satya,' 'Company' needed a pan-Indian audience. The affinity for Hindi film and subjects was there.

Singing seems to be inherent in Filipino, just as it is in my race. That's why I have this affinity with Filipinos.

I never do the dishes, because my husband has an affinity for it. And I'm also not allowed to touch the coffeemaker.

Death ... obliterates family resemblance as it does personality: there is no affinity between the living and the dead.

I've got German, Cornish and Scottish ancestry. It might help explain my affinity for forests, the sea, and fatty foods.

I just really have an affinity for women. Watching them go through journeys is more interesting to me than watching men.

I grew up as a fan of comic books, and I've been reading them for so long that I've never felt an affinity toward just one.

'Affinity' is beautiful and intense, with no laughs. It's a rather delicate and emotional love story, with a spooky element.

I think the knowledge of where you come from gives you more of an affinity for understanding different cultures and learning.

My affinity for fashion has always been there. When it comes to looking cool for the first day of school, I was always in it.

The gravest risks from al Qaeda combine its affinity for big targets and its announced desire for weapons of mass destruction.

I have been following the Premier League very closely because once you have been a footballer you have an affinity with the game.

I have a great deal of respect and affinity for Tammy Duckworth; she's a seatmate of mine. She's got heart, soul; she's a war hero.

Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.

Somehow I find it easier to inhabit characters if they are a little bit pathetic. I do seem to have an affinity with pathetic people.

It is well-nigh obvious that those who are in favor of the death penalty have more affinities with murderers than those who oppose it.

The closest thing to a law of nature in business is that form has an affinity for expense, while substance has an affinity for income.

Hispanics' welfare consumption - and their affinity for the Democratic message - will decline over time as they climb the economic ladder.

I've always had an affinity for lawyers. My dad is a lawyer. He's retired now. My brother is a lawyer. It's always been easy, the legalese.

My affinity for beef extends into my home life, so you'll notice canvas prints of cows, a cowhide rug and prints of Smithfield meat market.

I work with gang members, and I feel a kind of affinity and gift, even. But who would've thunk it, you know? I mean, I didn't anticipate it.

There is an organic affinity between joyousness and tenderness, and their companionship in the saintly life need in no way occasion surprise.

Radiohead showed a real affinity to being bold with visual imagery, so it came as no surprise when Jonny Greenwood did 'There Will Be Blood.'

I'd like to think I have a strange affinity for the embarrassing. Not sure what that says about me. But I like the awkward, uncomfortable comedy.

I have an affinity for the law. I like looking at the small type on contracts, and if I could have afforded law school, I probably would have gone.

I've enjoyed a great friendship and relationship and have a tremendous amount of affinity for both the Clintons... and I'd like to keep it that way.

I devoted my career to building an affinity with my fans who have supported me unflinchingly and no barbed wire fence or prison wall will stop that.

America has always had an affinity for the automobile. It's something everybody can understand. A bunch of cars competing, and the fastest guy wins.

Having spent many summers in Southampton as a New Yorker, and as someone whose family has a place in Newport, I have a strong affinity for each place.

Jerusalem artichokes have a great affinity with nuts. I love them with chopped walnuts or almonds, lemon juice, garlic, herbs and plenty of olive oil.

I always joke that they're all like my children, so I love them all, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that 'Wonder Woman' has an affinity for me.

Faith always contains an element of risk, of venture; and we are impelled to make the venture by the affinity and attraction which we feel in ourselves.

I have an affinity for good roles in good films. I like a variety of parts, and if some of the good stuff happens to be in fantasy and horror, I do them.

Friendships are the family we make - not the one we inherit. I've always been someone to whom friendship, elective affinities, is as important as family.

We're a show-and-tell generation. People want to see behind the scenes. The more involved and invited they are, the closer affinity they have to your brand.

My entry into films was forced, and I always had an affinity towards academics. Having said that, it is the artiste within that urged me to say yes to acting.

I have a huge affinity with London, and I have a lot of relatives here - now and before I was born. I pretty much look at London as the centre of the universe.

There certainly is an affinity between a person and his work, but it is not easy to define what this affinity is, and on that question many judge quite wrongly.

Trump's affinity for Russia dates back at least to the late 1980s, during the time of the Soviet Union, and it intensified after his financial empire collapsed.

Truth never yet fell dead in the streets; it has such affinity with the soul of man, the seed however broadcast will catch somewhere and produce its hundredfold.

As we are, so we associate. The good, by affinity, seek the good; the vile, by affinity, the vile. Thus of their own volition, souls proceed into Heaven, into Hell.

I generally find an affinity with a lot of the people I play and I suppose if I didn't feel an affinity for them then they wouldn't be particularly good performances.

I have always felt an affinity with Old Trafford; it has hosted some important memories for me in my career, and I have always enjoyed a rapport with the United fans.

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