If John Wayne were alive, he’d be rolling over in his grave!

I am alive. I am so alive. It's unbelievable how alive I am.

The young Dickens was so alive, so self-confident, so funny.

Fashion is not frivolous. It is a part of being alive today.

You've been put on the world to love the act of being alive.

Stay alive, stay active, and get as much practice as you can.

I hope I'm still alive to see an expedition set off for Mars.

History, as they say, is alive and well and living in London.

I feel most alive when I'm singing along to old gospel music.

I tell the gods are still alive / And they are not consoling.

You should be as alive as you can, until you're totally dead!

As long as I'm alive, you'll never see the last of Lightning!

A theory which cannot be mortally endangered cannot be alive.

If you kill me, I promise you - you will never take me alive.

I've been around longer than most of my fans have been alive.

Thus we try to keep our heroes alive; hence we remember them.

Music is what I breath, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.

I had to do what I had to do to keep my family alive. Period.

I hope I'm still alive to see an expedition set off for Mars.

While I am alive, not a hair on Jewish heads will be touched.

The fact of being alive compensated for what life did to one.

I don't think I'd really be alive without it, in all honesty.

The most dangerous and wonderful creature alive is the human.

If you are alive and conscious, you are probably codependent.

We're all alive. We're all healthy. These are the good times.

The entrepreneurial opportunity in America is alive and well.

Fandom can keep something alive, and fandom can take it down.

No one, and nothing, will ever hurt you as long as I'm alive.

We're all terminal; none of us are getting out of this alive.

Somebody bring me some water/can’t you see I’m burning alive.

There is no place so AWAKE and ALIVE as the edge of becoming.

What a blessed if painful thing, this business of being alive.

There is no point in being alive if you cannot do the deadlift

I'd never met anyone so vibrant or alive. He moved like light.

Well, first of all I'll say that I come alive best in theater.

Identity politics isn't old school! It's still alive and well.

How do you tell if something's alive? You check for breathing.

It was sad and fierce all at once, alive with a lonely purity.

Music is what I breathe, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.

Marx, if he had come back alive would have said Mao's his boy.

The future belongs to the one most fully alive in the present.

You will die not because you're ill, but because you're alive.

Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.

When we are no longer capable of love, we are no longer alive.

If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive.

A tradition is kept alive only by something being added to it.

Sad when you spend more time trying to stay alive than living.

I don't know why I'm alive but I know there's a reason for it.

I don't have any other message than don't forget you are alive

The only thing that keeps me alive is the hope of dying young.

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