It's only in uncertainty that we're naked and alive.

Acting definitely makes me feel so remarkably alive.

I'm not here to be remembered, I'm here to be alive.

Everything is alive... Everything is interconnected.

Neighbors are frightening enough when they're alive.

How many times can a man go down and still be alive?

In London they don't like you if you're still alive.

A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive.

Dear God, if you were alive, you know we'd kill you.

In the morning it was morning and I was still alive.

Anger is the spirits telling you that you are alive.

I'm lucky on so many counts - I'm lucky to be alive.

If it doesn't sweat, jiggle, or pant, it's not alive.

If you stay alive for no other reason do it for spite

A poet needs to keep his wilderness alive inside him.

Art has to keep moving and discovering to stay alive.

I definitely am the best rapper alive, mark my words.

Relationships keep us alive and our lives meaningful.

I didn't know what my fate was as far as being alive.

I am not even alive enough to know how to kill myself

Everyone looks better and more alive in a pink shirt.

We are all dying. Every single day that we are alive.

Leisure without literature is death and burial alive.

Hell is being alive, and being alive is all there is.

You aren't sick & unhappy only alive & stuck with it.

Public radio is alive and kicking, it always has been

Getting buried alive will always be my claim to fame.

I think the story only really comes alive on the set.

Being of service to others daily makes me feel alive.

I'll get out of this city alive, even if it kills me!

Nothing is lost forever. Trying keeps the hope alive.

Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive.

nobody alive or dead deserves to be called a poetess.

The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel.

Life is a prize, but to live doesn't mean you're alive

When you feel pain, you know that you are still alive.

I wanted to keep a Gothic cathedral alive in my heart.

The best men in all ages keep classic traditions alive

Keep the inspiration alive and reach for what you want

The Antichrist is probably a Jew alive in Israel today

You're painfully alive in a drugged and dying culture.

We choose how enthusiastically we live our time alive.

We want to keep the actual Civil War experience alive.

Blessed is this life, I'm gonna celebrate being alive.

Public radio is alive and kicking, it always has been.

Tradition remains alive only when we struggle with it.

Terrell has 25 million reasons why he should be alive.

But you will admit that it's a good thing to be alive.

Your ability to remain alive never ceases to amaze me.

After you have a kid you're just so happy to be alive!

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