Free ponies for all Americans!

I'm going to try to unite all Americans.

All Americans want what is best for America!

All Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care.

All Americans are dependent for their energy on the Arabian peninsula.

Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.

In North Korea, we learnt all Americans are the enemy; they are not human.

It's important for all Americans to know how vulnerable our Constitution is.

Free markets, hard work, and morality will benefit blacks and all Americans.

Racism should be a core concern for all Americans in every area of our lives.

Martin Luther King was a leader for all Americans on our own professed values.

All Americans should be exempt from the atrocities of Obamacare - no exception.

We still have work to do in our efforts to advance equal rights for all Americans.

Fair and affordable housing is a basic right for all New Yorkers and all Americans.

Like all Americans, I will never forget where I was the morning of the 9/11 attacks.

On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood. All Americans became New Yorkers.

In a sense, all Americans are battle-born. Our ancestors came here for something better.

Our work to provide equal opportunities for all Americans should be a year-round mission.

I'm for innovation and a commitment to a rising tide that lifts all boats for all Americans.

We're all Americans trying to compete. Magic was competing for his team and Larry for his team.

The problem is that you can't impose the church's teachings on all Americans as a matter of law.

Women do not want to be dependent on government but want opportunities for all Americans to succeed.

All Americans need a sense of place. That's what makes our physical surroundings worth caring about.

Nevadans, and all Americans, are resilient. Overcoming adversity is a part of our national heritage.

The Populist Caucus believes that all Americans should have access to affordable, quality healthcare.

The federal government has a responsibility to protect all Americans from potential terrorist attack.

All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens.

We need an inspiring vision of equality that resonates in the hearts, minds, and souls of all Americans.

The mission of HHS is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, and this includes the unborn.

I think a common sense approach that provides health care coverage to all Americans is the best way forward.

Here at the EPA, the agency will continue to do its best to promote the health and welfare of all Americans.

Civil marriage, like all civil rights provided by the government, must be provided equally to all Americans.

We cannot solve the deficit crisis on the back of our seniors. We need all Americans to pay their fair share.

John Glenn's life will long be remembered for his time in space, his courage, and his service to all Americans.

Free lodging for military families with loved ones in the hospital is something all Americans can rally behind.

I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.

It's shortsighted not to view the education of a future generation of Americans as a priority for all Americans.

Obamacare is a perfect tool to crush free enterprise and force all Americans into a socialist health care system.

The Justice Department is staunchly committed to ensuring that all Americans are treated in a fair and just manner.

Domestic terrorism has opened new war zones, operating off the assumption that all Americans are potential terrorists.

It's critical that we lower the cost of prescription drugs and develop a health care plan that works for all Americans.

Hillary Clinton wants to see that all Americans have the right to choose a public option in their health care exchange.

The Constitution provides that all Americans enjoy the right to live a life in accordance with their convictions of faith.

All Americans are taught, and hopefully believe, in the idea that we are all created equal and should be treated that way.

We are focused on Main Street, on supporting economic conditions - plentiful jobs and stable prices - that help all Americans.

The safety and security of all Americans is at stake in Ukraine and anywhere that our adversaries threaten the cause of freedom.

The Constitution, as originally drawn, made no reference to the fact that all Americans wre considered equal members of society.

All Hoosiers, all Americans, myself included, should never go broke in this country because you get sick or have a bad accident.

I believe people want a President for all Americans. And so I'm out there talking about what we can do for every single American.

Our focus should be on finding a bipartisan solution to healthcare that makes it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.

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