All art is about appealing to emotion.

Being on your own sometimes is appealing.

The idea of having a steady job is appealing.

The prospect of going home is very appealing.

Function alone does not make clothing appealing.

Secrecy is never so appealing as in a free society.

Having attractive women is very appealing to most men.

To be more involved and more aware is appealing to me.

Everything about playing a villain is appealing to me.

I've gone after stuff that is short and highly appealing.

Being able to make a comedy at Disney was really appealing.

All I want to do is to make movies that are appealing to people.

There is something very appealing about moving to a faraway place.

Talking with pictures and making memories is universally appealing.

I think guys who are rebels and make their own rules are appealing.

There are things about the single lifestyle that are very appealing.

Minibars are very appealing, especially when someone else is paying.

Watching familiar characters take unexpected turns is very appealing.

Something that is appealing to me about old Hollywood is job security.

Television has always been an appealing medium for writers to work in.

I do not find the concept of consorting with unknown persons appealing.

Ramen is Japanese soul food, appealing to old and young, rich and poor.

I find something very appealing about taking literature very literally.

There's not that much English folk music that is really that appealing.

I am keen to do roles that are down-to-earth, appealing, and sensitive.

Tying money up for 40 years doesn't sound appealing when you are young.

I actually find extroversion to be a really appealing personality style.

An opportunity to help a team to a championship would be very appealing.

To a child, often the box a toy came in is more appealing than the toy itself.

Some of the best rock shows I ever saw were those appealing to all your senses.

I try my hardest with my live show and YouTube to make it appealing to all ages.

I think the source of SpongeBob's humour is classic, and that's always appealing.

The GOP needs to figure out a way to become more appealing to new constituencies.

Again, both literature and philosophy work by appealing to certain reigning idols.

There's something really appealing about the simplicity of black-and-white images.

That's why 'Star Wars' is appealing. You watch someone fight the perilous monster.

You were not put on this earth to do everything to be sexually appealing to people.

Manhattan is so tailored. It's driven by appealing to the very wealthy and tourists.

For me, Bloodshot was the least appealing character that Valiant had. He was so cold.

I found the idea of trying to create a show that everyone can enjoy really appealing.

I think I've always just been kinda geeky and got to play some mildly appealing roles.

Japan is an appealing place for a young family and comparatively safe in health terms.

Ever since I started watching Premier League, I found English football very appealing.

It's appealing to me to get to be in a commercial film without feeling like I sold out.

It is tough when you're by yourself, and I think that's why team sport is so appealing.

I couldn't think of anything less appealing than molding the minds of tomorrow's leaders.

I love the rhythm of tap dancing. It's sharp and quick. Plus, the sound is very appealing.

I see myself as sexy. If you are comfortable with it, it can be very classy and appealing.

Personally, I'm not all that interested in making the show appealing to casual sports fans.

Any time a new horror film comes out that looks appealing, I'm always excited to go see it.

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