We all want approval.

I am an approval junkie.

I don't seek approval from anyone else.

You should seek approval from yourself.

Comedy is a very approval-oriented field.

Self-approval is a dangerous state of mind.

Self respect beats social approval, every time.

Pleasure is Nature's test, her sign of approval.

Give your approval to all you cannot understand.

The pursuit of approval usually ends in disaster.

Hang your merit. I don't seek anyone's approbation.

Approval or blame will follow in the world to come.

I don't need approval from people who don't know me.

There is a hunger in every human being for approval.

A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.

I've always been looking for other people's approval.

You have to be great to get Doyle's seal of approval.

I don't need anyone's approval for going to elections.

People striving for approval from others become phony.

How quick come the reasons for approving what we like!

Those whose approval you seek most give you the least.

Material things aside, we need not advice but approval.

The approval of a cat cannot but flatter the recipient.

God's approval is a whole lot easier to get than man's.

I became an overachiever to get approval from the world.

As much as we thirst for approval we dread condemnation.

Whenever I do a deal I always have the right of approval.

I have no methods. All I do is accept people as they are.

My father was my god. His approval was so valuable to me.

My father was my god. His approval was so valuable to me.

A man cannot be made comfortable without his own approval.

You don't have to wait for anyone's approval to do things.

Children now expect their parents to audition for approval.

As a people we do not need anyone else's stamp of approval.

You get the most approval when you care the least about it.

Appreciation, applause, approval, respect - we all love it!

Raised some taxes based on court orders and voter approval.

Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God's approval.

A Jew never laughs without looking at his wife for approval.

The gods approve The depth, and not the tumult, of the soul.

The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.

I think the acting satisfies the need and desire for approval.

If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

Bill Clinton left office with a more than 60% approval rating.

Approval of what is approved of Is as false as a well-kept vow.

If I cared for human approval, I would have been dead long ago.

If you are a Christian, your search for approval should be over.

The fundamental way of getting public approval is to deserve it.

Don't allow the approval and attention of others to destroy you.

I want people to know me in my home state. I want their approval.

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