My mom's side of the family is from Arkansas!

In Arkansas, we believe in religious freedom.

Arkansas is a state where politics is retail.

When I was born, my father was governor of Arkansas.

You know what they say in Arkansas...manure happens.

First governor in Arkansas history to ever lower taxes.

Arkansas is really, really nice. Its got the nature feel.

Arkansas is really, really nice. It's got the nature feel.

Raised Arkansas taxes 5 times, but lowered taxes 94 times.

Young, gay and stuck in Arkansas? Sounds like a horror flick.

We have deep roots in Arkansas, and I'll always be a Razorback.

I love Arkansas but I think Arkansas has its share of unlit minds.

I am focused on the work that the people of Arkansas sent me to do.

Agriculture has deep roots both in my life and in Arkansas' history.

I come from Texas, and my grandmother and mother were born in Arkansas.

I grew up in trailer houses in New Mexico, Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.

In college, I was able to be the vocalist for the jazz band at Arkansas State.

If you can't be a populist in Arkansas, you ain't going to be a populist in Washington.

It doesn't get much more Arkansas than being a former Arkansas Razorback football player.

Playing for Midland, that helped me get to Arkansas. It was really all I ever wanted to do.

I still believe in Hope - mostly because there's no such place as Fingers Crossed, Arkansas.

I grew up in rural Arkansas, and I'm afraid that begging is not part of our characteristics.

My plan was to release a tape, move to Arkansas, live on a farm, and make music like Bon Iver.

Like it or not, the people of Arkansas sent me to Washington to represent them in this great body.

My family raised bird dogs when I was growing up in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and I'm a gun owner myself.

It's not easy to embarrass the University of Arkansas. The place is basically a truck stop with a quad.

Arkansas, the state Bill Clinton loves and that loves him back, is a place with just no pretension at all.

I was the fattest baby in Clark County, Arkansas. They put me in the newspaper. It was like a prize turnip.

A Republican in my state of Arkansas feels about as out of place as Michael Vick at the West Minister dog show.

Bill Clinton had to propose to Hillary Rodham several times before she agreed to marry him and move to Arkansas.

Arkansas is a very small state, and it's even a smaller field when you break it down to Republicans in this state.

I've just come back from Mississippi and over there when you talk about the West Bank they think you mean Arkansas.

Theres a woman in Arkansas that's such a bad cook, that a swarm of flies got together and repaired her screen door.

Im from Dallas. My whole family is based in Texas and Mississippi and Arkansas, spread throughout most of the South.

I'm from Dallas. My whole family is based in Texas and Mississippi and Arkansas, spread throughout most of the South.

I think most people don't even know what 'woo pig sooie' is if they're not a sports fan or they're not from Arkansas.

I am a huge sports fan. I grew up playing sports and I'm a huge [Arkansas] Razorbacks fan, but any sports personally.

I'm very proud and happy to be serving the people of Arkansas and the Senate, and I look forward to continue to serve them.

Arkansas is a curious and interesting community ... it is probably the most untouched and unawakened of all American states.

There are a lot of people from my Central Arkansas days that I owe a lot of thanks to for how they helped me over the years.

The costs of running a prison system as large as Arkansas' are significant, and the system's failures can make things worse.

When Frank Broyles coached at Arkansas, he used to have a golf tournament each year for all the Southwest Conference coaches.

You know, in my hometown of Hope, Arkansas, the three sacred heroes were Jesus, Elvis, and FDR, not necessarily in that order.

I loved Arkansas and I loved the program and I loved the people there. I love my state. I always wanted to stay loyal to my state.

We`ll go through the legislative process and I`m make it clear what I support, don`t support and what I think is good for Arkansas.

I grew up in Arkansas, and I went to Little Rock Central High, which was the site of a desegregation crisis in '57. I graduated in '97.

The Middle East and South Asia have a lot less in common with America than 18-year-old kids in Boston have with 18-year-old kids in Arkansas.

I want to be the governor of Arkansas. I'm going to be the governor of Arkansas. I might be president, but I will be the governor of Arkansas.

It's almost impossible to have a constructive conversation about health-care reform in Arkansas without passions rising and folks taking sides.

The Clinton Administration has turned out to be a boon. I knew that he would be wonderful, I just knew it from the beginning. From Arkansas? Shoot.

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