Magazine articles are the new books.

Non-violence is the article of faith.

Fascism is not an article for export.

I never read articles about my books.

I'd give dollar for indefinite article.

I've never read an article of clothing.

I think I need pictures with my articles.

I'm tired of malicious articles slandering me.

I enjoyed your article, but I preferred my own.

A Wikipedia article is a process, not a product.

I don't read magazine articles that I've been in.

Never trust anything you read in a travel article.

Comments are proof most people don't read the articles.

A lost article invariably shows up after you replace it.

I think a lot of journal articles should really be blogs.

Africa is an article of faith. I believe in this continent.

The quality of the article should be its greatest achievement.

Water, air, and cleanness are the chief articles in my pharmacy.

I was quiet for a year but I had 4,000 articles written about me.

No falsehood is so fatal as that which is made an article of faith.

The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce.

I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes.

Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society.

Every day, we publish articles at 'The Federalist' with which I disagree.

I don't read liner notes and stuff, and I don't read articles very often.

There’s always an article coming out, saying, ‘The new thing is funny women!’

A Russian Reversal quote on Uncyclopedia's Soviet Union article? How original.

All the news articles focus on how I look. They certainly don't do that to men.

If I read the articles about me, and I didn't know me, I would think I was Satan.

I wrote newspaper articles professionally for seven years, and I love newspapers.

Inter have bought the finished article and there's no doubt he can keep improving.

Dear Sir: Regarding your article 'What's Wrong with the World?' I am. Yours truly.

I've been really enjoying writing articles and writing music and music for movies.

DELEGATION, n. In American politics, an article of merchandise that comes in sets.

I've had my fair share of words being twisted and articles being sliced and diced.

Our policy is to reduce the price, extend the operations, and improve the article.

I wanted to be a journalist. I used to write articles at university about politics.

I wouldn't say I'm a political junkie. I follow it. I read a few articles every day.

I like getting 'Times' articles online. But the actual paper just has too many words.

How many things we held yesterday as articles of faith which today we tell as fables.

To write an article about someone and then to have that person murdered is disturbing.

I have also testified repeatedly and published some articles in favor of Small Science.

I've always felt those articles somehow reveal more about the writers than they do about me.

Men cannot not live by exchanging articles, but producing them. They live by work not trade.

I've been reading everything from serious articles about track to Ryan Lochte's single life.

If I do commentary, write articles, or am an expert on a news channel, I can still earn money.

Article 50 governs the exit from the European Union and here there can also be no renegotiation.

Costs of manufactured articles importantly depend on the cost of raw materials as well as labour.

Know more about the situation you're facing than a reporter who is writing a major article would.

I don't want my son to have to collect a bunch of 'New York Times' articles to see what I was like.

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