Passion without focus can lead you astray.

My mind is led astray by every faint rustle.

Kanye West deceives many and will lead many people astray.

The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray.

Nothing leads the scientist so astray as a premature truth.

It's important for the explorer to be willing to be led astray.

Who walks the fastest, but walks astray, is only furthest from his way.

I don't think things will lead me astray, as long as I'm tapped into myself.

It's easy to be led astray when you're so broken. People take advantage of you.

A sublime faith in human imbecility has seldom led those who cherish it astray.

Every one goes astray, but the least imprudent are they who repent the soonest.

If the present world go astray, the cause is in you, in you it is to be sought.

To beguile is to deceive or lead astray, as Lucifer beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden.

To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray, and thus acquire experience.

The world's a forest, in which all lose their way; though by a different path each goes astray.

The President of the Church will not lead the people of the Church astray. It will never happen.

Believe in God, for with the grace of God the American rockets will go astray and we will be saved.

If you will stay with the majority of the Twelve Apostles, and the records of the Church, you will never be led astray.

The myopic obsession of the Tea Party with destroying health care reform and wounding the president has led Republicans astray.

I belonged to the generation that grew up under National Socialism, and was blinded and led astray - and allowed itself to be led astray.

Travelling so much, sometimes my luggage goes astray. But I can get the right stuff sent to me overnight by a special shipper. No big deal.

I believe the processes of good governance have gone astray. Specifically there is an erosion of transparency, independence and accountability.

It is possible to lead astray an entire generation, to strike it blind, to drive it insane, to direct it towards a false goal. Napoleon proved this.

We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go completely astray into imaginary conjecture.

With the other fellow actors who have gone astray, I think it's sad that society wants to label the business as doing this to people. It's really not true.

When you get a bit older, life can start kicking and it was mainly the area I grew up in that began to lead me astray. I went down the wrong paths to some degree.

Pop science goes flying off in all kinds of fashionable directions, and it often drags a lot of SF writers with it. I've been led astray like that myself at times.

Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.

The Russian people have unilaterally made their choice in direction of democracy in the early '90s. They will not be led astray. Nobody should be having any doubts.

How many new rock stars have come around that have anything to say at all? Guys where you even want to know what they're thinking? Are they thinking? Where did it go astray?

People ask me, how was university; I say it was boring and it wasn't for me. But if you wanna go, that's cool. I'm not out to lead people astray, but everyone has their vices.

People that don't know me get 'Mossed'. It means, I was gonna go home, but then I just got led astray. In the best possible way, of course. I mean, it's always fun, and a good time.

Intuition makes much of it; I mean by this the faculty of seeing a connection between things that in appearance are completely different; it does not fail to lead us astray quite often.

We have seen many child actors who have gone astray. They were particular that 'Zakhm' was going to be my last film as a child actor and after that I took a six year break for education.

Terrorism needs to be fought against and certainly delegitimized or attacked, but some of the underlying grievances that might in fact lead individuals astray to terrorism cannot be ignored.

Is instinct in the head or in the heart? Off the field, I follow my good instincts which steer me in the right direction. Sometimes on the field my head leads me astray. That's what I believe.

For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.

What leads us astray is confusing more choices with more control. Because it is not clear that the more choices you have the more in control you feel. We have more choices than we've ever had before.

The scientific method actually correctly uses the most direct evidence as the most reliable, because that's the way you are least likely to get led astray into dead ends and to misunderstand your data.

We came to Canada as refugees from Africa and worked hard for everything we have. I think my life can show people that a lot is possible if you stay true to yourself and don't let yourself be led astray.

By nature, I tended to trust people and was typically open and transparent... But such transparency would go astray when others saw us out of context or when I gave trust to those few who were unworthy of it.

It's nice to be in a creative world that's kind of isolated, but you can get led astray down some pathway while you're recording that you might not like later. And there's a lot of time to get in your own head and stay there.

The truth is, we are a culture built on a reward system, and our instinctive pursuit of pleasure can often lead us astray. We will rationalize anything into an excuse to indulge in whatever it is that makes us feel temporarily satiated.

When I told my mother that I wanted to be an actress, she said, you can't live here and do that, and so I moved out. I was determined to prove her wrong because she was so sure that I was going to go astray. And that's the juice that kept me going.

I know that when it comes to your friends, especially in the music industry, we work so much and do so much that we don't even really keep track of our days, or keep track of our health, or keep track of our mental health. Sometimes we just go astray.

General Biassou is a simple, vulnerable man without much knowledge, and he is easily led astray by the scoundrels surrounding him. He has sworn eternal hatred for me, and for some time now, he has been trying to destroy me using whatever means he can.

When I decided that I wanted to go to college, I wanted to be a school teacher for 7th and 8th grade boys because I felt that was an important time for them. I had gone astray at that point in my life and really wanted to help keep them from making the same mistake I had made.

Ambition has become a dirty word, and I believe it is a great evolutionary force for the positive. If people fail or go astray in their ambition I can live with it but not with people lowering their expectations, wasting time, slacking off and glorifying failure and stupidity.

I pretty much believe, as everyone in the B Team does, that business must succeed beyond the bottom line. More important than profits is how you get to them. Measuring financial earnings and losses only is definitely not enough and has led us astray from creating a better world for all.

We as humans are so imperfect. We are always looking for something more and always going astray from Jesus. Whether you believe in him or not, but he is always there with open arms. God never abandons you. He is always waiting for you to come back and when you do, you won't be scolded - you will be embraced.

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