The authentic self is the soul made visible.

I've always tried to stay true to my authentic self.

Beauty means expression and being your most authentic self.

Your experiences are not limited to what you have created in the past

As a performer, the thing you want the most is to be your authentic self.

Just be your authentic self because there's nothing sexier or more beautiful than that.

I will a hundred percent sell out. Because I'll always be myself... my raw, authentic self.

We can only belong when we offer our most authentic selves and when we're embraced for who we are.

The real rub is finding that authentic self and it's not something that's going to come to you overnight.

I just always have that connection with my fans where I want to give them my most like raw authentic self.

One of the great things about wrestling is how it interrogates this silly idea that you have one authentic self.

When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own.

As I grow older, I feel like my authentic self has been able to shine through more and more, and people can see that.

Once I was able to be my more authentic self, I felt like that's when my career really took off. I was just my own voice.

Accepting all that you are will lead you to live your best life and will allow you to be free and your true authentic self.

I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I've become. If I had, I'd have done it a lot earlier.

Representing the U.S.A. is one of the greatest honors of my life, and being able to do it as my authentic self makes it all so much sweeter.

It means so much to me to see Caitlyn Jenner coming out, just by being her authentic self, staying true to who she is, and just living her life.

If there's one message I want people to take away is never compromise being your authentic self. Even if that means making others uncomfortable.

I had a corporate job and wore a suit to work every day, and I just kind of felt like I wasn't living my authentic self or doing what I was passionate about.

Love trumps hate in many ways, in every way, and you can be your authentic self. If you put your mind to it, and you put your work in, all your dreams can come true.

It's all about communication and a dialogue between individuals - get rid of the labels, get rid of the shame, get rid of the stigmas and just be your most authentic self.

I have found, in my life experience with President Trump, when he's out there himself and he's being his fresh, authentic self, it's very appealing to the people of the United States.

Nobody owes anything to anybody. You are your authentic self to whom and when you choose to be, and if you don't know somebody, then why would you explain to them how you live your life?

I don't think about my look that much, to be honest. It's what I've always known, it's what I've grown up with, and I wouldn't ever want to step too far away from my most authentic self.

I don't think anyone's sexuality needs to be a public issue other than to give others the confidence to love themselves wholeheartedly and to be their true, authentic self without any shame.

I was raised by a woman who was her true and authentic self. So I feel like it's very important to put on for people who aren't that confident or people who don't realize the value in self-love.

Writing has certainly helped me explore about 20,000 versions of my authentic self. I suppose that's what most writers discover if they write long enough: there are a lot of selves roaming around in there.

I want to tell everyone that no matter what's keeping them from being their authentic self to hold on to the hope that there will be an end to that road. There will be a life where they can live their true self.

Everyone has an internal age, a time in life when one is, if not one's best, then at very least one's most authentic self. I always felt that my internal clock was calibrated somewhere between 47 and 53 years old.

Somebody could look at me and go, 'She's dressed black,' or 'She's behaving in the stereotypical way of a black lesbian.' But this is how I feel most comfortable. This is my authentic self. I want the freedom to be that regardless of how someone interprets it.

I remember, as a child, lying in my bed at night praying that I would wake up the next day and be a girl, to be my authentic self, and to just have my family be proud of me. I remember looking into the mirror struggling to say just two words, 'I'm transgender.'

What's it like to figure out you're gay and then begin the process of coming out? Well, for most of my life, I felt doomed. I could imagine no path that would allow me to realize my authentic self. I felt the need to lie, even to myself, insisting: I am straight.

I feel like my story just proves how important not only social media is, but how important it is to be your authentic self. Because when you're really truly your authentic self, the right people will find you. And when they find you, it will be for exactly who you are.

I love my husband very much. I knew it was real true love because I felt like I could be myself around that person. Your true, true innermost authentic self, the stuff you don't let anyone else see, if you can be that way with that person, I think that that's real love.

It's like, remember who you always were, where you came from, who your parents were, how they raised you. Because that authentic self is going to follow you all through life, so make sure that it's solid so it's something that you can hold on and be proud of for the rest of your life.

I wake up and play a different person every day. Playing all these different characters and trying to figure out who your true authentic self is at the core of that as you're playing all these different roles, and man, that self-awareness starts to come into effect. And you start to see who you really are.

When I came out, it wasn't a big formal conversation like in the movies. I just started living as my true and authentic self and opened up my life to my parents - sharing who I was, and bringing a girlfriend when I came home for a visit. To my great surprise, my parents accepted me for who I was and have supported me since.

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