My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it ...

My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with.

I like crunchy things like Baked Lays.

There is a baked item in the show, I'm there.

I only ever baked because it helped with my anxiety.

My big weakness is potatoes. I love them mashed or baked.

I eat chicken and rice, steak, and baked potato. That's it.

I eat leftover caviar by hand, with baked potato, like peasants.

My two great treats in life are baked beans and vanilla ice-cream.

I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.

There is surely a finite amount of European baked goods, isn't there?

If soggy, baked choux can be re-crisped in a hot oven for several minutes.

Then my uncle would give off the smell of freshly baked bread which I love.

Apartheid was baked hard in the mining industry because that's where it originated.

I've always been creative - I baked, knitted and crocheted with my mum and grandma.

I make a vegan baked ziti. And even though that doesn't sound enjoyable, it really is.

If I'm going to have baked goods in the morning, the rule is that I have to make them myself.

I baked the coffee cake recipe from 'The Joy of Cooking' over and over again when I was a kid.

My mother and I, our favorite part of any baked pasta is the top, where the cheese gets crusty.

I like spaghetti bolognese, I like baked beans on toast. I hate French food. I hate fancy food.

I try to eat on the healthier side, but baked goods are hard to resist. I just love sweet things.

I knew I shouldn't be eating fried chips, but I'm just not a fan of baked chips, as much as I tried them.

By the way, the food in prison was disgusting. Like, baked beans every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In my darkest moments, I have not eaten an entire pie, but I have turned to other baked goods to find solace.

Talk of joy: there may be things better than beef stew and baked potatoes and home-made bread - there may be.

What I really want, what I always really want, is baked potato and grilled cheese. But then I'd be really fat.

I try to eat a lot of baked foods, fish, chicken, potatoes, stuff like that. Grab me a Muscle Milk. That helps.

I had people think I was brilliant, then 'Half Baked' bricked. They literally look at me like a homeless person.

My specialty was baked potatoes with cheese melted over broccoli. I was also very good at melting cheese on bread.

I come from a food family, so you would think that I would be great at making baked beans or something, but I'm not.

I was convinced you were not able to tell a consumer you can have a healthy fried chip or a good-tasting baked chip.

Just because I don't want to stand on stage with Richard Spencer or Baked Alaska doesn't make me any less conservative.

I don't exactly know what it means to be ready. A cake when the oven timer goes off? Am I fully baked, or only half-baked?

Our first flat, in South-West London, was a pig-sty. Dec couldn't even cook baked beans. We were like 'Men Behaving Badly.'

I always try to make healthy baked goods, like an oatmeal cookie that literally has only oats, nuts, bananas and apple sauce in it.

My daughters have become little judges. If I do produce a baked item, they tut at the soggy bottom and advise me to try harder next time.

No self-respecting Southerner will eat something baked, broiled, grilled, stewed, poached, sauteed, or flambeed when it can be deep fried.

Labels need to work with artists to help them achieve their best work, not to jam records out that are half-baked or three-quarters baked.

I have never baked. I have cooked thousands of meals big and small, but I have never cooked a cookie. I have never roasted a cake, or a pie.

For baked goods where lightness is a prized attribute - almost all cakes, some cookies - it's important to start with room-temperature butter.

Country ham is baked whole, usually with a glaze, sometimes studded with cloves, and served as the centerpiece of Christmas and Easter feasts.

I haven't watched 'Half Baked' in 17 years, since I was editing it. It's like looking at an old picture where you have bad bangs or something.

I was probably a little bit overweight as a child, being passionate about baked beans on toast and Cadbury's milk chocolate when I could get it.

I had a job on a Spike TV show called 'Fresh Baked Video Games.' I was the animation producer/kind of a writer, but I couldn't get anything through.

In spacetime, all events are baked together: a four-dimensional continuum. Past and future are no more privileged than left and right or up and down.

Milk Bar is a quirky American bakery, where the original inspiration is the humble beginnings of American-style baked goods and loving trips to Dairy Queen.

Replacing white flour with whole wheat generally makes baked goods denser, drier, and more crumbly because the germ and bran in whole wheat absorbs more water.

Every time I baked cookies for people as a kid, it made me so happy. But when I was in culinary school and working in fine-dining restaurants, that was not a thing.

Wherever you go in Europe, you'll find each country has particular flavours in their baked goods. It is one of the big differences between Europe and the United States.

Breakfast is my specialty. I admit it's the easiest meal to cook, but I make everything with a twist, like lemon ricotta pancakes or bacon that's baked instead of fried.

My favourite organic recipe is probably a huge batch of chilli con carne cooked with organic low fat British minced beef, tons of kidney beans, tomatoes and baked beans.

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