The crowd makes the ballgame.

No manager ever won no ballgames.

Bollywood is a whole new ballgame.

I never feel more at home than at a ballgame.

In life, what more can you ask for than to be real?

It's a beautiful day for a ballgame... Let's play two!

We compete so hard and that changes the whole ballgame.

What more can you ask for than to see a ballgame in spring?

Don't play for one run unless you know that run will win a ballgame.

Even the slowest guy can go from first to third and help win a ballgame.

Fourth quarter, tied ballgame, why not try to get your best player involved?

I don't like losing a ballgame any more than a salesman likes losing a sale.

Bollywood is a different ballgame. I am quite used to Tamil and Telugu films.

As a player, you can't express ideas and opinions as easily as when you're doing a ballgame.

The only thing that's in my control is to win ballgames and God is always taking care of me.

It's a different ballgame now, so that lets [teo] Macero out. He's always complainin', always sick.

We cannot think of the old days when we were dealing with SARS. It's a totally different ballgame now.

To me the most important thing was stirring things up and scoring some runs so we could win a ballgame.

I coached in Washington - and in Washington, you lose the ballgame, it's a bad Monday, I just want to tell you that.

With cinema it's a different ballgame, you really don't know how the audience will react, so one has to tread carefully.

I always sang around the house. My brother and I would sing songs like 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' and stuff like that.

My main focus is, 'What can I do today to help the team win the ballgame?' You have those blinders on. It helps you focus.

I think having won a Super Bowl puts you on a different level. I know, for me, it's extremely important to win this ballgame.

People are looking for original content in many different places, as are advertisers. This takes us into a whole new ballgame.

I think that many things that go on in an art school have a tendency to undermine confidence, and that shouldn't be part of the ballgame, ever.

How do you make people do the best work? You make them feel comfortable, so you can feel comfortable - and then you can have a really good ballgame!

I think, by nature you know, I'm very attracted and I gravitate toward the very strong girl who can watch a ballgame, but who's also extremely feminine.

I love doing features, but it's a very different ballgame. Sometimes I yearn for short films again, working with a small team, getting my hands on the clay.

Manhattan, though, was an entirely different ballgame in a whole different kind of world, with a man who was brilliant and at the same time terribly charismatic.

I had to take a break to set up my production company. Managing a production house is a different ballgame. It's not like signing a film and arriving on the set.

When you see the Elimination Chamber on TV, it obviously looks intimidating and huge. But when you're there in person and inside it, it's a whole different ballgame.

If there should be one place where you should forget politics, forget whether you're liberal or conservative, whether you hate Trump or love him, it should be the ballgame.

The hospital has adjusted itself in response to Covid-19, the influx of patients. So walking into the hospital, you immediately realize that you're playing a different ballgame.

I never chased around with the opposition or got too well acquainted with them, because when the time in the ballgame came up where I had to pitch inside, I didn't want to hesitate.

With my own cartoon, it was just me being goofy by myself, but when it comes to an animated film, you're working with 45 animators and assistant animators. It's a whole different ballgame.

That's the unpredictable part, and that's what worries every coach: Protect the football. That's why, when you go into a ballgame, you may be favored, but there's no guarantee you're going to win it.

Going from local news to a network operation is learning a whole new ballgame. The way you go about it and the stories you cover are so different. I feel at Fox I have a lot more autonomy about doing my work.

I think when I first started, I tried to make believe I was in the ballpark, sitting next to somebody and just talking. And if you go to a ballgame, and you sit there, you're not going to talk pitches for three hours.

I'm ready for Anthony Joshua. Hopefully he's overlooking me, thinking I'll be a piece of cake. It's a whole different ballgame when they're in the ring with me. Once they see the speed and accuracy I have, I know I will shock him a lot.

Judges are like umpires. Umpires don't make the rules. They apply them. The role of an umpire and a judge is critical. They make sure everybody plays by the rules. But it is a limited role. Nobody ever went to a ballgame to see the umpire.

In 1969, 'Life' magazine came up to me and said they wanted to do a little story on the Hobie, and I ended up getting a six-page spread. I remember Robert Redford was on the cover, and when that magazine hit the stands, it was a whole new ballgame.

Stan Hansen was a different ballgame. I broke my neck wrestling him in Madison Square Garden. I spent a month in the hospital and for a while it was touch and go because the doctors told me I came within a millimeter of being paralyzed from the neck down.

College has become a wide-open game - a lot of short passes, quick passes. Then you go to the pros and it's a whole different ballgame - things are happening faster, the patterns have to be more precise. Getting off the line of scrimmage is more difficult.

My favorite lineup is just a trio, because then every night you can improvise and change the repertoire. Keyboards and brass can be great, but it puts you in a different ballgame because you're not quite as free. You have to stick to the arrangement of the song.

I'm so happy in the projects that I'm able to make, to be involved in projects like this. This isn't always where it was at for me, I started working when I was a kid. I'm just a different person now, I'm 30. I started working when I was 11 and it's a different ballgame.

Every now and then, I get a free ticket from someone, and I look at the price, and it says $800, and I'm thinking, 'A thousand dollars to see,' I said, 'There's no ballgame in the world worth that kind of money,' and yet the attendance for sports is more than it ever has been.

Tap dancers find it very difficult to do anything other than tap if that is all they have been trained in because, again, it's a whole different ballgame that you're constantly working on - bent legs, loose ankles - which you cannot afford to do when you're doing jumps or anything else.

The overall thinking of the shortstop covers the overall context of the ballgame. You have to know the count they'll hit-and-run on. You're thinking of the speed, not only of the runner at first base, but the runner at the plate. You have to know how fast the pitcher is on a particular day.

When I grew up on the south side of Chicago, it was kind of a rough neighborhood, and when my parents saw the prospect of my older sister going to middle school, high school, they decided that we would move to the north side of Chicago, Highland Park, and for me, that was a whole new ballgame.

If you offer athletes stipends, then you're into pay-for-play, and that's the ballgame. People should realize that, and they should realize that amateurism never has been a sustainable model for a sports-entertainment industry. It wasn't in tennis. It wasn't in the Olympics. And it's not in big-time college sports.

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