Miami’s like paradise. And I think the beaches are topless. So we’re gonna spend a lot of time at the beach.

When I go on holiday, I wear wedges. They accentuate your leg, honey, and you have to look good on the beach.

I am definitely a beach person. In fact, I am so much a beach person that my wife is allergic to beaches now.

I pass my time in the open air on the beach when it is really heavy weather or when the boats go out fishing.

My grandpa and I, whenever we would go to Myrtle Beach, we couldn't wait to get there and have fried seafood.

Walk your dogs on the beach that's my luxury. The food's not so good in West Palm, but you can't have it all.

At Pebble Beach, even on your good shots, you've got to hit it to the correct side of the holes to save pars.

I'm not a person - and my wife also - we don't really go to the beach or anything like that. We go to cities.

One learns first of all in beach living the art of shedding; how little one can get along with, not how much.

In 2013, after living in New York for 18 years, I decided to leave Manhattan for a fresh start in Palm Beach.

I'm in love with the city. You can impress an Australian with a city, but you can't impress them with a beach.

I've fallen in love with Waikiki; the beach, the climate, the people, and the hotel - it really is a paradise.

'Teen Beach Movie' was a lot of fun because we were in Puerto Rico on an island - you can't even call it work!

I used to come to the gay pride parades in New York. I've been to a few down in Miami Beach, if memory serves.

Before he went to sleep, I told him a little story about a rabbit we saw run around the beach house we rented.

At a certain point memory becomes a beach strewn with landmines, all life’s many losses buried in those sands.

Australia's got some of the best girls in the world. They are very fit, very athletic and always by the beach.

I have a large sea shell collection which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen it.

Christmas is the beachhead of God’s campaign against sin and sadness, darkness and death, fear and frustration.

One of the nicest things to do in Kingston on a Sunday is eat johnnycake, Festival and fish at Hellshire Beach.

If airline seat cushions are such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see anyone take one to the beach?

So many articles said, ''China Beach' is uncancellable,' but when they dragged it on, I started to have doubts.

I feel like I lived my life in one of three places: at Indian Hill Park, at a Manasquan school or at the beach.

I love the beach; I grew up on the Baltic Sea. I love the beach. I love the water. I love surfing and swimming.

I prefer to do absolutely nothing. I love to relax. But, if there's a beach around that's where you'll find me.

I spent 10 days on the beach and slept pretty much all day, every day. It was the perfect place to have a rest.

Living at a beach, near a river mouth, taught him the impotence of impatience at events moving at nature's pace.

There's the historical part of The Beach Boys' music; it's pretty incredible, pretty vast and pretty varied too.

The beach is in our blood. Everyone in our family returns to the beach instinctively, just like the sea turtles.

I don't get to go to the beach often, so when I'm in Miami I usually spent the majority of my time by the ocean.

I'm a fan of all these genres of music, everything from Mumford & Sons to Beach Boys to doo-wop music to reggae.

In Haiti, beach bodies are simply bodies, and beach reads are simply books, because the beach is all around you.

I have my hair done by Valery Joseph, who does a version of the Palm Beach crash helmet so that it doesn't move.

People are always telling me that they've seen people reading my books on the subway, or the beach, or whenever.

I like to run on the beach. It's a different exercise as well when you're in sand, a different kind of training.

I found all these stupid pictures of cats at the beach, and I was like, "They get it, man. They totally get it."

I swam. We made it, our team, from the rocks of Cuba to the beach of Florida, in squeaky-clean, ethical fashion.

I have returned many times to honour the valiant men who died...every man who set foot on Omaha Beach was a hero.

I'm always in Malibu, and I'm a big fan of surfing and stuff. I love the beach. Someday I will live on the beach.

I went to New York and Miami and hung out by the beach, and I love the American boys, so I wrote a song about it.

I grew up in Brentwood, but I live now in Los Feliz. I grew up on the beach, now I live under the Hollywood sign.

My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of the tide in the evening.

I enjoyed growing up part of my life in Virginia Beach. We had the ocean and the beach and a beautiful landscape.

I am lucky enough to live in Miami so dinner on the beach with people I love is one of my favorite ways to relax.

Most of us, I suppose, are a little nervous of the sea. No matter what its smiles may be, we doubt its friendship.

We [Corbis] make it so easy to call up images, whether art or people or beaches or sunsets or Nobel Prize winners.

I love Miami; I miss it so much. I miss the beach, the peace it brings you. I love the sound and smell of the sea.

Fresh seafood reminds me of Hawaii and eating raw ahi fish on the beach with a little soy sauce - instant sashimi.

I make music that surfers dig, but, like Brian Wilson in the Beach Boys, I'm the dude who never gets on the board.

All that mankind has ever learned is nothing more than a single grain of sand on a beach that reaches to infinity.

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