My relaxation has always been my animals - going to the dog park with them, going to the beach.

I enjoy going to the beach, relaxing with my wife, going out to dinner, and having a good time.

People want to see me back in the ring. I think it is more of a drag lying around on the beach.

I like getting a tan, so if I'm lying on the beach, I want to get as much skin out as possible.

A beach walk is for stretching your legs and your mind, for looking at life with newfound eyes.

The never-ceasing boom of the great ocean as it breaks on the beach, drowns all smaller sounds.

I'm a culture person when I'm working, so my downtime is beach time: sand, surf and a barbecue.

My desk is covered with talismans: pieces of rose quartz, wishing stones from a favorite beach.

Even though he lived on the beach in college, he didn't have a tan. Now that's a serious player!

I'm attempting to put myself in a bottle that will one day wash up on the beach for my children.

I grew up in Imperial Beach, surfing and going to the beach - my son plays baseball at the park.

Sometimes I listen to '60s or oldies stations to see if they're going to play a Beach Boys song.

There's only one way to prepare for playing beach volleyball, and that's by getting in the sand.

Now I am an outcast. I loathe my country. The best thing for me is a drunken sleep on the beach.

I want the cheesy dates at the movies, the stupid walks at the beach and sharing straws in a cup

I'm a bronzer girl, for sure. I love to always look golden or like I just stepped off the beach.

Having colleagues nearby, whether at the beach or in a crypt, means the ideas are always flowing

I'd most likely be a helicopter pilot, or I'd own a really cool surf hotel somewhere on a beach.

They all went down in droves because just scenes of palm trees and beaches can get pretty boring.

No flip flops for black dudes. I don’t care where you at. Wear some hot ass Jordans on the beach.

When I come in from the beach at night, I'm too hungry to wait for anything that takes very long.

I'm no day at the beach. And if it is a beach, it's Hampton Beach. Ever been there? It's not nice.

If I want to get a taste of beach culture, I'll fire up my season 2 DVD of 'Beverly Hills, 90210.'

I grew up at the beach and I was always involved in beach clean-ups and caring for my environment.

I have always loved food, and for me, even if I was on a beach, I would be cooking food every day.

The best drink I've ever had was a mojito in St. Barts at Nikki Beach. That drink changed my life.

I say to the paparazzi, 'Fellas, take your shot and go.' It's just they usually find me on a beach.

I love going to the cinema, listening to music, yoga and long walks along Holkham beach in Norfolk.

I can't picture going to a beach, or anywhere on vacation, without a couple of books as companions.

I want a platform that, like a book or a magazine, I can carry into the bath or leave at the beach.

Where does a wise man kick a pebble? On the beach. Where does a wise man hide a leaf? In the forest.

The Palm Beach Police Foundation is a client of Trump's. They pay to rent out Mar-a-Lago every year.

We spent a lot of time on the beach when I was young so I'd also take pictures of seaweed and crabs.

Misty May was looking for a partner, I was looking to stay at home, and the beach just came calling.

The moon is essentially gray, no color; looks like plaster of Paris or sort of a grayish beach sand.

We want you all to be in shape and look as good as me. Because I will be walking naked on the beach.

I'm from Long Beach - not the best area in the world - and I had a lot of ghetto friends growing up.

Even before I had ever seen 'Beach Blanket Babylon,' I had a similar aesthetic: colorful and sparkly.

Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea.

I grew up in West Palm Beach, Florida. My dad took me hunting, trapping and fishing when I was a kid.

Men are polished, through act and speech, Each by each, As pebbles are smoothed on the rolling beach.

I can tell you the day The Beach Boys will no longer exist - never. We'll be on stage in wheelchairs.

If I entered a tropical beach, would I end up in Nazi Germany with my highly inconvenient black hair?

Today secular faith is ebbing, and it is the apostles of unbelief who are left stranded on the beach.

Sometimes I just stand on the beach and look at the water, and Cuba feels so close it's unbelievable.

I'm still obsessed with the beach whenever I'm home; when I'm on the beach, it feels like home to me.

I love the ocean; growing up around Laguna Beach, I spent my summers surfing, diving, and snorkeling.

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach.

Maxi dresses are also my best friend. They take me from my morning coffee, to the beach, to nighttime.

As a kid I collected stamps, pebbles on the beach, anything. I liked to have at least 10 of something.

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