Be cool to the pizza dude.

I don't mind not being cool.

Fight global warming! Be cool.

I could never dream of being cool.

As long as it's not me, I'll be cool.

I'd love to fly. I think that'd be cool.

I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it.

I don't want to be cool. I want to be fashion!

I don't mind not being cool; I wear a cardigan.

What' s the matter with me? Why can't I be cool?

Manchester has a certain reputation of being cool.

If you've gotta think about being cool, you ain't cool.

Don’t be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black.

I don't hate Coldplay to be cool I genuinely hate Coldplay.

Be cool and you'll be alright. That's rock & roll religion.

Being cool, having a 'cool' energy is just not attractive to me.

Yoga will always be transformationa l, even when it stops being cool.

The secret was to just be cool, stay in God's graces, and work it out.

I'd definitely be into doing some zombie slaying music. That'd be cool.

That was the peak. I just knew it was modern, not traditional culture. I could be cool

In the fifties… we were so busy being cool that we didn’t know how to say the word love

Really, all religious teachings can be boiled down to: “Just be cool. Don’t be an asshole.

This is Morbidia," said Vlad. "Although she's been calling herself Tracy lately, to be cool.

Being cool is being your own self, not doing something that someone else is telling you to do.

Being cool is when you win, you don't get too happy; and when you lose, you don't get too mad.

It's fun to be a part of pop history. Anytime you can be referenced in that respect it can be cool.

Berlin is just an affordable European city that's supposed to be cool. There's nothing too deep about it.

I thought it would be cool to take flat-picking and put it in overdrive. I thought it would bend the ear.

It'd be cool if God gave everyone a Do Over Day and you could yell "Do Over!" and the day would start new.

Its going to be interesting to see how society deals with artificial intelligence, but it will definitely be cool.

I love playing and I like traveling. I really do like playing in Canada, its not to diminish anywhere else because touring internationally can be cool.

My own son feels I'm uncool but my grandson loves me. Being cool or uncool is a generational thing. But as a personal thing, I really love everybody in sight.

If you, like, consciously think about being cool, you're not cool. If you consciously think about being, like, different or original, you ain't different or original.

There's always that part of you, when you're sitting around going, 'That would be cool to try, to see what it would be like.' But I had never had that drive in me to say, 'Oh, I want to be a movie star one day.'

I love movies and I think that we wouldn't ever stop making videos just because people aren't watching them. I think that's just kinda sad. It would be cool to spend a lot of money, but we'll always make videos just for ourselves.

I have the words "Lose Well" on my shoulder. It's kind of a catchphrase that sprung up from my TV show at some point. It's this idea that at a certain point, if you're a loser you've got to own that. It's pretty okay to strike out in life. Just get good at it and hold your head up high. If you're a loser, that's what you are and be cool with it.

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