My advice gets misconstrued as being mean.

Being mean about other people isn't on my radar.

I'm trying to be entertaining without being mean.

Being mean just for being mean's sake isn't funny.

In being meaning, you naturally find meaning in everything.

I love when I can reboot people when they are being mean to others.

People don't mind being mean; but they never want to be ridiculous.

It's so unfortunate because people have become so comfortable being mean.

When you're being mean to someone, you can feel the audience just get cold.

I'm sure I tried being mean at one point, and I don't think it worked. It's too much work.

Being good to somebody is just like being mean to somebody. Risky. You don't get nothing for it.

I don't believe in being mean to anyone. I'm a really peaceful person. That's something I get from my family.

I hate being mean. I watch those roasts on Comedy Central and they make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

It doesn't make you feel very good being mean and fierce; it is much nicer playing people who are kind and sweet.

I think it's unnecessary to be mean for the sake of being mean, but I do believe you have to be truthful, but with love.

There's always someone out there being mean, but what upsets me is the spite. Why are you like that? Why are you so horrible?

I don't have to go through life being mean or having a stern face just to play basketball. I enjoy the game and play it how I like to play it.

When you're in high school, there are so many bullies, and a lot of kids don't know why the bullies are being mean to them, so they blame it on themselves.

Okay, sense of humor: plus one. Being able to laugh at yourself: plus one. Being able to laugh at other people without being mean: plus one. Vanity: minus one.

I'm accused of, and perhaps rightly so, of not being mean enough. I've been taken to task in many a book review; a good satirist has to, you know, has to kill.

I think there is a danger there of being mean to people and humiliating people and embarrassing people just because it might get you ratings. It is a disturbing trend.

I found early on in teaching, if you're too blunt an instrument, the students discredit you and think you're just being mean. They're not interested in what you have to say.

There's a rule of thumb in politics. If you're at a point where you're complaining about the other guy being mean and unfair and uncivil, that's probably a sign that you're losing.

I try to be kind, and I try to reflect that in my comedy, but I'm also incredibly bad at being mean. I can't pull it off effectively, so I always end up reverting back to politeness.

We need to make sure that we have an honest, honest conversation and that we engage honest practices around how racism operates in this country. It's not just about people being mean to each other.

If you watch most of the stuff on TV and in movies, it's usually put-down humor. It's like somebody being mean or cynical or thoughtless to another person. I never wanted to be that type of comedian.

I stopped going to school in the middle of fourth grade. Everyone grows up with the peer pressure, and kids being mean to each other in school. I think that's such a horrible thing, but I never really dealt with it in a high school way.

I'm not a phony-friendly guy and I'm usually very quiet and not a big laugher, so some people might take that for rudeness and being mean. If anyone ever got that impression, I apologize. I love all my fans and really appreciate all their support!

I think being mean to people in high school is healthy. It's sort of like you're in this situation with all these other kids and sometimes you need to get your aggression out. And if you'd had people be mean to you before, it really does build character.

I go to movies with my children and see fat kids burping, parents portrayed as total morons, and kids being mean and materialistic, and I feel it's really slim pickin's out there. There's a little dribble of a moral tacked on, but the story is not about that.

Directing is genderless. The only thing... I love men. I'm not being mean to them, but they can't hear you. I don't have a husband, and so I'm not really attuned to it, but I didn't know that they could not really hear you. Like, I'm talking, and they just walk away.

I think I'm lucky, in a way, because with the criticism I get online, it's mostly from really young girls that are fans of One Direction, and they're kind of already known for being mean online. So the things that they insult me with are things that don't really bother me.

I felt like the Germans were being mean to me at training, but they were actually just trying to help. I learned really quick - which made me a better player. I'm appreciative of the way they treated me. It's just the language and, of course, as an American, I had to learn that. No offense to them; I love them to death, and I love my teammates.

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