I have a beer belly.

The belly has no ears.

Belly buttons are cool!

I have two belly buttons.

The belly comes before the soul.

After a full belly all is poetry.

Do not mourn the dead with the belly.

A full Belly brings forth every Evil.

Rebellions of the belly are the worst.

I think belly dancing is very sensuous.

Ethics is for people with full bellies.

No clock is more regular than the belly.

Too much coffee can lead to belly bloat!

Retain the wind by compressing the belly.

I am not with child - I am with pot belly.

A full belly neither fights nor flies well.

Better belly burst than good liquor be lost.

I'm very uncomfortable, mainly with my belly.

An army, like a serpent, travels on its belly.

Manchester is the belly and guts of the nation

With a gun against my belly I... I always smile.

One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.

Everything's better with some wine in the belly.

A swollen belly is a lot of pressure on the back.

Avarice fills its purse at the expense of its belly.

The Wanderlust has got me... by the belly-aching fire

We have had a rewarding relationship, the belly and I.

The sage attends to the belly, and not to what he sees.

a fully belly is little worth where the mind is starved.

Normally I don't feel like having a belly full of pasta.

I get so nervous, I get belly pains before I go on stage.

I like men with some belly who are a little over the hill.

What is got over the devil's back is spent under his belly.

Them belly full, but we hungry; A hungry mob is a angry mob.

Belly was not a bad movie. It was visually very interesting.

fiction happens in the belly, it doesn't happen in the brain.

The belly has no ears nor is it to be filled with fair words.

I love a visceral sound, the kind that hits you in the belly.

The Social Security disability fund is going belly up in 2016.

He who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else.

I auditioned nine times for 'Delhi Belly,' and it was torturous!

Originally, with all the shows, we went looking for belly laughs.

Swollen in head, weak in legs, sharp in tongue but empty in belly.

Having people doubt you is what gives you that fire in your belly.

You don't find me too bald, do you? Old, and bald, and with a belly?

To a haughty belly, kindness is hard to swallow and harder to digest.

The eye is bigger then the belly. [The eye is bigger than the belly.]

I'm not a particularly cerebral writer. I unabashedly go for the belly.

Fish die belly upward, and rise to the surface. Its their way of falling.

I couldn't pronounce Arnold Schwarzenegger, so I called him Balloon Belly.

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