I'm a big one for music.

I like a bass drum. A big one.

Thanksgiving is a big one for our family.

'Nevermind' by Nirvana. That was a big one for me.

I'm not a big one for sitting by the pool doing nothing.

Family means a lot to me as I come from a big one myself.

I'm not a big one for lots of genitals flapping in the films.

The very first big one I had was 'Turn Around and Look At Me.'

This is the big one! You hear that, Elizabeth? I'm coming to join ya, honey!

There's always pressure on the second album - this one has to be the big one.

Whether it is a small thing or big one, step-by-step you can make things happen.

Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax - and it's a great big one.

This little ship you sent is more wonderful than the big one that takes me away from you.

I think a lot of women innately know how to play their hand. I'm not a big one for the rules.

Lawyers know how to take isolated complaints in a divorce case and build them into one big one.

We had several hits in the States but probably only one big one in Europe. The crowds are smaller.

I'm married now, but I fell in love with my wife because she was talented. Talent - it's the big one.

Breakfast is my favorite meal. I cook a big one for everyone - bacon and eggs. I own a lot of eggcups.

We would finish dinner, and then we'd all sit around as a family and watch 'Roseanne.' That was a big one.

Making the choice to cast someone in a lead role is a big one. You don't want to squander your opportunity.

'Who do you think you are?' That's the big one, isn't it? A flourishing life depends on how you answer that.

I would rather have a small part in a really great movie than a big one in one that I'm not too psyched about.

There's a big film industry in Egypt, and quite a big one in Syria, and there's a big Muslim community in Paris.

I don't want to sound too carried away, but from what I've seen, 'Bingo Long' is going to be a big one. A classic.

I bought a midnight blue Porsch with a whale tail when I was winning big one time in L.A. That car was fast, fast, fast!

The key to making acquisitions is being ready because you really never know when the right big one is going to come along.

If you don't win the MLS Cup it doesn't matter, so we know that the big one is the MLS Cup and we'll give our all to win it.

I was raised on 'Get Smart' and 'All in the Family' and 'M.A.S.H.,' and certainly when 'Cheers' came along, that was a big one.

I always wanted to play a 'Batman' villain; that was a big one for me. I may have missed the boat, but I always wanted to do that.

The big one I missed out on was 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.' MGM wanted me for it, and Warner Bros. wouldn't give me permission to do it.

I can't leave home without certain movies. 'The Godfather' is a big one for me. And I've gotta have my beats so I can write new music.

I love 'Richard III,' but in terms of a general play, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' has always been a big one for me. It's just so sexy.

I am a big one for subtlety and empathy. My dad was softly spoken and didn't carry his honours and accomplishments for everyone to see.

I went through a training camp; I worked extremely hard. I prepared for UFC 200. This was the big one. This one meant everything to me.

I got my hand slapped for talking about fighter pay. That was a big one. I had Dana White yell at me in front of, like, 20 other fighters.

If there is a small rocket on top of a big one, and if the big one is jettisoned and the small one is ignited, then their speeds are added.

I've always wanted to give 'Hamlet' a shot. It's the big one, you know. I haven't done Shakespeare professionally, so I think it would be terrifying.

Memory is a big one: our ability to use the memory and move things in and out efficiently - that affected what we were able to do more than anything.

I don't know really. I've always been interested in the small picture instead of the big one, and I've always been interested in relationship pictures.

I've been bitten by a python. Not a very big one. I was being silly, saying: 'Oh, it's not poisonous...' Then, wallop! But you have fear around animals.

I had a boom box, but I didn't go too far with it because I had a really, really big one. It was like the size of a suitcase, and I was just a little kid.

This track with Jess Glynne, it's a whopper! It's a big one. 'One Touch' is a really special song! It's the best of Jess Glynne and the best of Jax Jones.

Jorge Masvidal is a star. That wasn't always the case. Hardcore fans always knew how good he was, but it always seemed like he would fall short in the big one.

When you're 0-2 in the Super Bowl, they say unkind things about you. They say, 'He can't win the big one.' And that's the worst thing that can be said about you.

They never were planning to be here. All my family are going to London because they wanted to go to the big one. There was never any showdown - there wouldn't be.

Practically everyone is going to have a general purpose computer in their pocket, it's so easy to underestimate that, that has got to be the really, really big one.

There are certain things I believe we need to keep in our emotional arsenal as we navigate through life. Hope is a big one. The more of that we can carry, the better.

We all went for roles as extras at my school because a lot of children's shows were filmed in Leeds near where I grew up. My Parents are Aliens was a big one we all did.

That Monaco crash was quite a big one - I pulled 33g when I hit the wall, which is a lot. It's a weird sensation - like all my skin and flesh was being pulled off my bones.

Little Wooster, Ohio and gargantuan Dallas, Texas formed the municipal cocktail of my life up till age 18. That drab, weird little town and the glitzy big one shaped me for sure.

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