I love bleak things.

...bleak territory of the heart.

The future looks a bit bleak to me.

The future is kind of a bleak place.

I find 'EastEnders' so utterly bleak.

I don't think 'bleak' is a bad thing.

The outlook for the Federal budget is bleak.

Nothing is as bleak as the future, except the past.

During the late 1940s, Europe was a pretty bleak place.

I get pretty dark sometimes, pretty bleak. But that passes.

Painters aren't expected to paint bleak pictures, are they?

Until I started doing standup, there were some very bleak days.

Rebellion without truth is like spring in a bleak, arid desert.

The world is such a blooming topsy-turvy, fragile, bleak place.

'Bleak House' is like the best soap you could ever hope to watch.

I hadn't read Dickens for a while and doing 'Bleak House' was great.

Joy Division sounded like Manchester: cold, sparse and, at times, bleak.

I think that I'm serious, but I don't think that I'm inordinately bleak.

'Bleak House' remains a great novel for me, and I love 'David Copperfield.'

Often, small things give me hope when big things feel so oppressively bleak.

I try to give people hope. Even though life is bleak, there's hope out there.

You can make bleak things funny but if you're glib about it, it doesn't work.

I'm not a pessimist by nature. I'm not someone who sees things in a bleak way.

A lot of dramas get a bad name commercially because they are unremittingly bleak.

Death at times seems like a dark tunnel to be traveled, and the future seems bleak.

People who really love you are the ones who stand firm by you when things are bleak.

I've had very bleak experiences in hospitals, but they were also sometimes very funny.

I just was not going to subject my record to the bleak prospects of a primary election.

Sometimes bleak is good. Sometimes bleak is necessary. Some part of life is always bleak.

No terrain is too bleak, no distance too far that it will stop God from rescuing His own.

That's evolution. Evolution's always hard. Hard and bleak. No such thing as happy evolution

Bleak House is just the most astounding piece of work. There's huge, visionary poetry in it.

It's a tough job to tell a story when the audience already knows the ending, and the ending is bleak.

I have to believe there's redemption in the darkest of circumstances; otherwise it's too bleak for me.

It's bleak behind the Iron Curtain, although they do have the strongest vodka I've ever had in my life.

When your spouse is given a bleak prognosis, you become an expert in soaking up every moment of every day.

From the hour when the Puritan baby opened his eyes in bleak New England, he had a Spartan struggle for life.

I don't walk around chuckling all the time. My outlook is very bleak. It's worse than bleak, it's apocalyptic.

The beginnings of a forest is one of the ugliest things on the planet. It's bleak and your neighbours hate you.

The natural world is often bleak, but the language devoted to it is as careful as needlepoint and prophetic as well.

To not have any hope is where things start to get really bleak. Things are possible. The impossible can be possible.

We really feel happier when things look bleak. Hope is endurance. Hope is holding on and going on and trusting in the Lord.

'Cunnamulla' is a beautifully bleak portrait of a lonely town in which people are leading lives of sort of quiet desperation.

Single-sex private schools, especially in the middle of nowhere on a bleak hill in County Durham - I don't think they make sense.

We are both disturbed and fascinated by visions of bleak futures, predictions of what might come if we as a society aren't careful.

I'd had to cope with a lot of death and illness in my family from a young age, and that maybe gave me a bleak outlook on the world.

For too many of our young people, that once-promised American dream has given way to an American debt burden and a bleak job market.

Without imagination and without love, life can be pretty bleak. I think having both will get you through the most dire of situations.

With its breezy guitars and sweet backing vocals, 'Norway' blows away any semblance of Beach House's previously bleak approach to pop.

No-one is going to sit down and read Bleak House to the family any more, but they can all huddle up happily in front of Charles Bronson.

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