Expectation makes a blessing dear. Heaven were not heaven if we knew what it was.

If I wasn't plagued by needing to write things, that would perhaps be a blessing.

I wondered if a blessing is still a blessing if it lasts for only a little while.

Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder.

It's a blessing to be an NBA player and to be in a position to help other people.

I'm always happy for people when I see God blessing them the way he's blessed me.

May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.

If we continue to live as we are living, will the promised blessings be fulfilled?

For beauty is God's handwriting...A nd, thank God for it as a cup of His blessing.

May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and security of self-government.

Alas! that the farthest and of all our thoughts should be the thought of our ends.

Boredom or being sick of what you've done before is a big part of being in a band.

It's a blessing to be paid to be in paradise. The Hawaiian people are so friendly.

Poverty brings one blessing in Turkey - the poor man is of necessity a monogamist.

For every house is incomplete without him, and a blessing is lacking in the spirit.

Blessings sometimes come through brokenness that could never come in any other way.

I'm thankful For the blessing And the lessons that I've learned with you By my side

I count my blessings every day, quite honestly, because I take nothing for granted.

Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence.

My goal is GOD HIMSELF. Not joy, not peace, not even blessing but HIMSELF...my GOD.

The best way to show true gratitude for all our blessings is to be genuinely happy.

Sometimes, certain of God's blessings arrive by shattering all the windows. (Brida)

We ought as much to pray for a blessing upon our daily rod as upon our daily bread.

We are ever surrounded by undeserved blessings. Even in His silence, He blesses us.

Reflect that life, like every other blessing, Derives its value from its use alone.

The more we count the blessings we have, the less we crave the luxuries we haven't.

God will not be behind-hand in love to us: for our drop, we shall receive an ocean.

To touch God a little with our mind is a great blessing, to grasp him is impossible.

Let us be worthy of those who pin their hopes on us. May God bless you with success.

Remember, officers and soldiers, that you are fighting for the blessings of liberty.

Under divine blessing, we must rely on the bayonet when firearms cannot be furnished

The great blessing and great cruelty of youth is that there seems to be time enough.

Boredom is the conviction that you can't change ... the shriek of unused capacities.

I thank God for blessing me with the tools that he blessed me with to be where I am.

How sweet is rest after fatigue! How sweet will heaven be when our journey is ended.

I have too many flaws to be perfect. But i have too many blessings to be ungrateful.

I seen the worst of the worst. I deserve every blessing I receive I'm from the dirt.

It's just such a blessing that I get to be paid for something that I'm in love with.

The booby father craves a booby son, And by Heaven's blessing thinks himself undone.

If you can be a blessing to somebody else, you're sowing a seed for God to help you.

Then blessings on thee, my afternoon torpor Thou makest a prince of a mental porpor.

The existence of the Bible is the greatest blessing which humanity ever experienced.

If you would live happily, do not exaggerate life's evils, nor slight her blessings.

Lady, you know no rules of charity, Which renders good for bad, blessings for curses.

Whatever comes, let's be content withal: Among God's blessings there is no one small.

We weep for a bird’s cry, but not for a fish’s blood. Blessed are those with a voice.

Without the blessing of cowardice, the world would long since have been torn to bits.

Too many people write their blessings in the sand but engrave their sorrows in marble

This is the curse of our age, even the strangest aberrations are no cure for boredom.

It's a real blessing for me to tell you, sir, that calvary has arrived - Fox is here!

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