I am a Love Boat.

Jump or stay in the boat.

Let the boat work - and not me!

Home for me is my boat, really.

Your side of the boat is sinking!

BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand

Does this boat go to Europe, France?

Time is a river, and books are boats.

I love the ocean. Boats, not so much.

Only those who row the boat make waves

I know all the words to 'I'm on a Boat.'

Tell me a boat full of lawyers just sank.

I love boats. I can be on a boat for days.

I was just a boy on a boat in the universe.

People refer to me as 'that 'Love Boat' man.'

As a child, I always wanted to live on a boat.

I missed the boat when I was doing Late Night.

I peaked early. I was told I'd missed my boat.

I met her last summer on a moonlight boat trip.

I'm not buying a boat because of writing skits.

The love boat has crashed against the everyday.

Siva, O Siva, carry my boat to the other shore!

When did Noah build the boat? - Before the rain.

Nothing good ever climbed up the side of a boat.

It is not good to have an oar in everyone's boat.

My penalty for rocking the boat was being traded.

My boat is on the shore, And my bark is on the sea.

The man who rows the boat seldom has time to rock it.

I read Stephen Crane's 'The Open Boat' when I was 11.

Make the most of whatever it is that floats your boat.

Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep.

For 'Neer,' we spent about Rs. 70,000 just on the boat.

Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.

I prefer people who rock the boat to people who jump out

'Boat Trip' is more tiresome and dumb than actually bad.

Every woman feels she is too old and has missed the boat.

The hand that rocks the cradle should also rock the boat.

I get out in my boat and go fishing inshore and offshore.

I haven't bought a yacht or an island or even a palm tree.

On my tombstone, I want written: 'He never did 'Love Boat!'

If one wants to get a boat ride, one must be near the river.

For the ocean is big and my boat is small. Find the courage.

On my tombstone, I want written: 'He never did 'Love Boat!''

You can't walk on water until you get yourself out the boat.

Uh, folks, I think that’s our boat trying to kill us. (Scott)

Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.

My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water.

I knew the whistle of each of the river boats on the Tennessee.

I'd love to have a proper sailing boat and go around the world.

The cypress boat is frequently a symbol of fluctuating intention.

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