I found my voice in books.

Books wind into the heart.

Incense. Books. Just weird.

Life itself is a quotation.

Sad stories make good books

Believe everything you read

Books are dead men talking.

Books have their destinies.

Home is where the books are

i really like reading books

Let my temptation be a book.

Books can be terrible snobs.

Beware of a man of one book.

Let's have some new cliches.

I can't exist without books.

Each book starts from ashes.

I cannot live without books.

Don't join the book burners!

Books are humanity in print.

I am simply a book drunkard.

I'm pretty much an open book.

A dedication is a wooden leg.

Drink deeply from good books.

A boy has to peddle his book.

I wanted to live among books.

Every book is a box of ideas.

Home is where your books are.

Books fall open, you fall in.

Books are a languid pleasure.

A noble book! all men's book!

My Wings are a thousand books.

this is a book about something

I love comic books. I just do.

Rereading, we find a new book.

Books belong to their readers.

Big-endians and small-endians.

Books + friendship = book club

Writing a book is an adventure.

A big book is a big misfortune.

Books cannot be killed by fire.

Few books today are forgivable.

Books are a habit-forming drug.

My books are about killing God.

Some people read books for fun.

I feel I've got 10 books in me.

a good reader makes a good book

Silver-the first book of dreams

Don't judge me, I'm not a book.

I cry at the end of every book.

Write the book you want to read

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