A one-word book does appeal to me.

I love to listen to books on tape.

Your very silence shows you agree.

E-books are impervious to analogy.

I don't write books inadvertently.

Boredom is why God invented books.

I am myself the matter of my book.

Books always speak of other books.

Books are the mirrors of the soul.

A book is a machine to think with.

People perish. Books are immortal.

I love books, they're in my blood.

The stitch of a book is its words.

Write the book you'd want to read.

It's hard to make a book episodic.

All books are merely delayed dust.

I never imagined I'd write a book.

No girl was ever ruined by a book.

Every book is a unique experience.

I sometimes read books on my iPad.

I grew up kissing books and bread.

This book fills a much-needed gap.

I would always want printed books.

I'm not a big basketball book guy.

I was not a big comic-book reader.

To read too many books is harmful.

Read much, but not too many books.

Books are not life, only its ashes.

The love ofChrist is my prayer-book

A book that is shut is but a block.

My Book and Heart Shall never part.

The world was hers for the reading.

The Navy is very old and very wise.

Literature is news that stays news.

The age of the book is almost gone.

Not every book is for every reader.

A good book is an event in my life.

Only your friends steal your books.

A great large book is a great evil.

An unread book does nobody any good

I mainly buy books in my free time.

I often reread books I have written

You don't write a book to show off.

Books and marriage go ill together.

Reading... a vacation for the mind.

A library is infinity under a roof.

I'm not the biggest comic book fan.

A pretty sight, a lady with a book.

Books are like my one and only joy.

At least let us have healthy books.

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