Normally book ideas come to me in a moment.

As long as we have books, we are not alone.

The story begins only when the book closes.

Why buy a book when you can join a library?

Never read any book that is not a year old.

...She Let Him Just Sit There and Be Happy.

The word book acted as a transient stimulus

A book may be as great a thing as a battle.

The books are balanced in heaven, not here.

That's important to me, to recommend books.

It takes a heap of loafing to write a book.

The book. Calming object. Held in the hand.

You don't race cars, you race the rule book

Television has raised writing to a new low.

Don't judge a book by its thickness either.

The point of books is to combat loneliness.

It took me 40 years to write my first book.

Sometimes when you open a book, time stops.

My life and my legs have been an open book.

A library book, I imagine, is a happy book.

Never use the phrase: 'buy my book' - ever.

You are a shelf of books without the pages.

I don't know how to write a children's book.

The book should act as a window to the word.

My chest of books divide amongst my friends.

I've always had a soft spot for comic books.

I just want to write someone’s favorite book

Every person is a book, each year a chapter.

No one has ever had an idea in a dress suit.

Vampires. They wrote the book on possessive.

What you don't know would make a great book.

A home without books is a body without soul.

I will write another book if I feel like it.

I didn't read a serious book until I was 19.

I'm a huge comic book fan - me and the kids.

The whole world makes comic book movies now.

If you like the book, you'll hate the movie.

I love to get books, because I love to read.

I have to live my books before I write them.

Good books are for consideration after, too.

Never trust people who've only got one book.

Everybody knows my life - it's an open book.

Books are a triviality. Life alone is great.

Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.

Books and minds only work when they're open.

A book brings its own history to the reader.

As always, one of her books was next to her.

If you want to be changed, read a good book.

I was a huge comic book fan, and I still am.

I can write a book in probably three months.

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