Anyone should be able to read comics.

No furniture is so charming as books.

Time is a river, and books are boats.

A book worth reading is worth buying.

Like books, artists have their fates.

Life is too short to read a bad book.

Books crowbar the world open for you.

Books are the curse of the human race.

I was a big comic book fan from 13 on.

I read part of it all the way through.

High thoughts must have high language.

I cry in movies a lot, and over books.

Woe be to him that reads but one book.

I put my soul into every book I write.

Somebody's boring me. I think it's me.

Comic books are a big passion of mine.

Why don't we all just get a long-neck?

The Book of Mormon Is the Word of God.

I was never without a book in my hand.

Computers don't kill books; people do.

The cell door slammed behind Rubishov.

Good travel books are novels at heart.

I never travel without my sketch book.

I don't really read books. Wish I did.

We read to know that we are not alone.

Hypocrite reader my fellow my brother!

Once upon a time I owned a watermelon.

Films are always different from books.

An art book is a museum without walls.

The virtue of books is to be readable.

There is no friend as loyal as a book.

You can't die with an unfinished book.

I am the most interesting book of all.

You're only as good as your last book.

A novel is a book with a lot of pages.

I told my whole life story in my book.

It's a book. It's mine. And it's done.

The Web is the new book though, innit?

Books may well be the only true magic.

I have a lot of books I want to write.

Reading will give you lasting pleasure.

Wear the old coat and buy the new book.

Never trust anybody with only one book.

Prejudice is opinion without judgement.

Holy borrowing bibliophile, let's book!

You a slave to a page in my rhyme book.

My love of books was all that saved me.

Books are the liberated spirits of men.

Books were my pass to personal freedom.

It takes a long time to publish a book.

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