Boys and girls are not the same.

Young boys and girls should be given the chance to play football.

Whenever I write a story, I hope it appeals to both boys and girls.

Most teachers are not trained in how boys and girls learn differently.

I have lots of fans, they are mostly under the age of 12, boys and girls.

There's room for boys' and girls' football in the world-that's what I believe.

The Boys and Girls Club taught me a lot about sportsmanship, humility, self-respect.

It's up to us to take pop culture back and to express quality and dignity for both boys and girls.

Getting involved with the Boys and Girls Club helped keep me and my sister from getting in trouble.

Nature makes boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they acquire some sense.

My education at Baron Byng High School was excellent, with dedicated masters (boys and girls were separate).

When you say, 'Boys will be boys and girls will be girls; they're all the same' - no. Women are more vulnerable.

For the longest time, you couldn't even say boys and girls were different. It was taboo in the educational world.

When the boys and girls would line up separately in kindergarten, I'd find myself longing to be in the other line.

I have never been a girlie girl and have always been a boys' girl with an equal amount of friends who were boys and girls.

I grew up like a lot of country boys and girls do - amongst the pine trees, dirt roads, farms, mules and people who were real.

I've lived with boys and girls, and I find that boys are generally cleaner than girls. Generally! This is a big generalization!

When I was a young man, I worked at the Boys and Girls Club in St. Louis, Missouri, and another boys club called Matthews-Dickey.

The way women today are treated in Saudi Arabia is a direct result of the education our children, boys and girls, receive at school.

Kids are different. Boys and girls at 14, 15, 16 - some are more developed in the mind; some aren't... It comes down to the individual.

I'd like to see where boys and girls end up if they get equal encouragement - I think we might have some differences in how leadership is done.

Toy companies aren't interested in ideology, they want to sell toys. If they would sell a toy that both boys and girls would buy, it doubles profits.

I want to do a jean line for boys and girls that are sometimes too skinny to fit into jeans, or sometimes a little bit too husky to fit into some jeans.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for abiding me. And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I bid you goodbye and take my leave.

I am sure there are some people who say that we are not metal, but we want to create a new genre that will appeal to people of all ages, both boys and girls.

Boys and girls, have confidence in the direction and counsel and advice of your parents and grandparents who love you more than anybody else in the world does.

Feminism isn't about hating men. It's about challenging the absurd gender distinctions that boys and girls learn from childhood and carry into their adult lives.

Parents need to sit down with their boys and girls and tell them how to carry themselves and tell the boys how to respect women and respect yourself and know who you are.

The Boys and Girls club was basically a second home for me, and I always credit it with keeping me out of trouble. From the ages of 6 to 16, I was there nearly every day.

There is no longer a doubt that women are just as competent as men. Gender differences are guided by nurture, as society treats boys and girls differently from an early age.

Being liked by the boys and girls on the bus doesn't necessarily earn you the respect of the people back home. Standing up to them, giving as good as you get, all that helps.

Luckily, I have a thing inside me that I wake up and I am happy every day. But boys and girls want to live the dream and are looking at everything you do on a day-to-day basis.

You don't want to hear about how much money I donate to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America or to AIDS awareness or to give out scholarships. You don't want to hear about that.

The truth is, I think country music... there's a lot of great people, and just being raised the way a lot of country boys and girls are, hopefully there's just a lot of respect.

I've also been working with the Challengers Club in the inner city of Los Angeles for 15 years now, I guess, and it's essentially an inner-city recreation club for boys and girls.

So many boys and girls talk the same way, listen to the same music, look the same. If I'm out, I'll notice the person who looks different before I notice the person who's, 'really hot.'

Particular individuals who might never consider dropping out if they were in a different high school might decide to drop out if they attended a school where many boys and girls did so.

I'd love to open up sessions at a Boys and Girls Club or something where kids can learn nutrition and how to exercise in a fun way. Especially for young guys. I'd love to be an inspiration.

Today, I see thousands of Mahatma Gandhis, Martin Luther Kings, and Nelson Mandelas marching forward and calling on us. The boys and girls have joined. I have joined in. We ask you to join, too.

I am the product of the American education system. It is a system that has always been on the lookout for bright boys and girls. It spotted me when I was 14, and I owe a tremendous debt to my alma mater.

When I was younger, growing up in Pittsburgh, they had a 'Golden Gloves' program through the Boys and Girls Club. In Pittsburgh, New York, Philly, Washington, those areas, I would go and spar at competitions.

I was totally picked on, but look at me now! I was definitely picked on by boys and girls. I was really lanky and skinny and the boys would say, 'Turn sideways and stick out your tongue, you look like a zipper.'

My father grew up very conservative, and he really had set expectations for what boys and girls were supposed to be like. So when I came out to him, that did not fit into his plan of what raising twin boys was going to be like.

I talk to children in schools all over the world, and I've found that both boys and girls are fascinated by how hunter-gatherers manage to survive entirely on what's around them in their environment: trees, rocks, animals and plants.

A single woman with a very narrow income must be a ridiculous, disagreeable old maid - the proper sport of boys and girls; but a single woman of good fortune is always respectable, and may be as sensible and pleasant as anybody else.

You'd look out and there'd be little babies watching the show, and boys and girls. They loved the cowboys, and they loved Annie. There were young people seeing the show for the first time. I stayed for two years because I enjoyed it so much.

Fashion is one industry that can really change things around for young boys and girls and make them feel like they are not left out. It can send a message that one doesn't have to look a certain way to be considered more beautiful or fashionable.

One can make a case that says that since 85% of children being brought up in single family homes are being brought up by women that about 85% of elementary school teachers should be males to balance out the feminization that the boys and girls receive.

I want people - boys and girls - to be sat at home watching me alongside the likes of Rio Ferdinand or Frank Lampard, thinking that it's normal, that we all know what we're talking about, and that they're not judging me at home just because I'm a female.

I had never dreamed about the NBA like some guys did. I was a non-scholarship player at an NAIA college. I played on the Boys and Girls Club team in my freshman and sophomore years of high school before I made the high school team. I was our backup center in college.

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