I love filming in Britain.

Britain's destiny lies in Europe.

My goal is to have a Firm Britain.

What Britain needs is an iron lady.

Class still matters in Britain today.

Europe is my continent, not my country

Britain is an open and tolerant country.

Europe existed before Britain joined it.

My job is to stop Britain from going red.

I am the last of Britain's stately homos.

Britain can only spend what it can afford.

Britain is less European-minded than Greece.

Britain is China's best partner in the West.

I never, ever imagined leaving Great Britain.

The support in Britain made a big difference.

Britain's such a twisted, weird little place.

By the end of the 1970s Britain was in a mess.

I am the most unselfish chef in Britain today.

Brexit stops Britain from being Great Britain.

America: It's like Britain, only with buttons.

By the end of the 1970s Britain was in a mess.

I can't bear Britain in decline. I just can't.

In Britain, everything is policed except crime.

I was a big admirer of F.D.R. He saved Britain.

Britain is obsessed with political correctness.

Especially in Britain, people want to limit you.

My relationship to Britain is of no consequence.

A1 Great Britain has to look at the longer term.

Britain never had a greater sporting ambassador.

I've been well-known in Britain for a long time.

Britain's is traditionally a rigid class society.

My guilty pleasure is 'Britain's Next Top Model'.

Without Britain, Europe would remain only a torso.

What is right for the family is right for Britain.

I think the longer Britain is in Europe the better.

We moved back to Britain for my secondary education.

Americans are much more open than people in Britain.

Britain should definitely be part of a Mars mission.

I have the money and they won't get their hands on it.

I am a great admirer of most of the judges in Britain.

Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.

While I enjoy spending time in L.A., Britain is my home.

I don't think Brexit is going to help people in Britain.

Everyone goes on holiday in Britain. Even Hell's Angels.

Britain is a very small country with a very large press.

We had to do what we had to do - Britain is great again.

I think people in Great Britain are a bit jaded sometimes.

Britain needs a tough, strong financial conduct regulator.

We must honestly face our relationship with Great Britain.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent; that's very obvious.

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