Broadway has been my dream since I was 5 years old.

It's a dream for all writers to write for Broadway.

I'd like to be on Broadway for as long as possible.

One of my favorite movies is 'Broadway Danny Rose.'

I used to watch the Broadway 'Les Miz' and study it.

I really cut my teeth on off-off-off Broadway shows.

I've seen Hugh Jackman in a thousand Broadway shows.

I want to toy around with producing a Broadway show.

I absolutely loved my stint on Broadway in Hairspray.

A lot of people now don't know I've been on Broadway.

Broadway is one of the hardest things I've ever done.

There's only one Broadway and that's in New York City.

I miss Broadway! I'm still a theatre kid, don't worry!

I miss Broadway, what little there is on Broadway now.

I absolutely loved my stint on Broadway in 'Hairspray.'

The Greatest Showman' would be an amazing Broadway hit.

To play Cleopatra on Broadway would just be incredible.

You make more money in dinner theaters than on Broadway.

When I got to Broadway, I conducted five Broadway shows.

I didn't see any Broadway till I was in my late twenties.

When you're doing a Broadway show, you have no free time.

I'd like to think of myself as an ambassador for Broadway.

I probably did a dozen plays, like Off-Off-Broadway stuff.

It's better to star in Oshkosh than to starve on Broadway.

I'm not gay, so I don't know much about Broadway musicals.

I'd like to see some Broadway shows at some point in time.

I think there is an evolving art taking place on Broadway.

Nathan Lane's Bus of Broadway Fun will be leaving shortly.

It's always a thrill to walk through a Broadway stage door.

I wore out the Broadway 'Tommy' recording. I just loved it.

Drag wasn't really on Broadway. It was considered low-class.

My studio was on 9th Street between University and Broadway.

I was lucky enough to make my Broadway debut in 'Big River.'

It still feels like Hip Hop is in the early '80s on Broadway.

Ever since I was little, Broadway had always been my passion.

My plan has always been to return to Broadway every 50 years.

One of my dreams has always been to be in a Broadway musical.

I'm a Broadway baby! So, therefore, I started in the theater.

The first Broadway show I saw was when I was 11. I saw 'Hair.

I just love the idea of doing an all-female play on Broadway.

The actual cheerleaders in our film are all Broadway dancers.

I'm not denying that it's exciting to have a play on Broadway.

Broadway performers are the best-trained people on the planet.

Maybe I could be Supergirl on Broadway! That would be perfect.

The first Broadway show I saw was when I was 11. I saw 'Hair.'

I love Broadway musicals, but there's a lot that I want to do.

Broadway has some very tight expectations as to what a show is.

I really did sneak into Broadway shows, starting when I was 12.

This is magic - the people of Broadway. There's nothing better!

I would love to do a non-musical Broadway or Off-Broadway play.

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