My parents were in 'Brigadoon' on Broadway when I was a couple of years old.

I spent 15 years of not being able to get a job creating a role on Broadway.

I'd like to create a role on Broadway. That would really heighten my senses.

To be a success as a Broadway composer, you must be Jewish or gay. I'm both.

I've done a bunch of Broadway, so I'm a theater nerd when I come to New York.

When I was growing up in Pennsylvania, auditioning for Broadway was my dream.

I enjoyed the courtroom as just another stage but not so amusing as Broadway.

Like Broadway, the novel, and G-d, feminism has been declared dead many times

The only thing I've ever wanted to do in my entire life is to be on Broadway.

Broadway has been very good to me. But then, I've been very good to broadway.

There's not a lot of ego in the Broadway community. Everyone's out to do well.

I had the greatest time on Broadway and made friends I never expected to make!

I'd like to one day be able to say, 'I was in more than one play on Broadway.'

We didn't go to Broadway musicals when I was growing up; it was too expensive.

I thought I was going to be on Broadway. I thought, 'I'm going to do theater.'

I'd love to do something on Broadway. I'd love to spend some time in New York.

I represent where them killers at 145th and Broadway you get your head cracked

I love dancing; I adore salsa dancing and wish I could be in a Broadway chorus.

The idea of 'Yes on Broadway' has come up. It would reflect the history of Yes.

People wear shorts to the Broadway theater. There should be a law against that.

I've been looking for a Broadway opportunity ever since I stopped doing theater.

My goal was simply to be a working actress. I never imagined myself on Broadway.

I started when I was in 'The King and I' when I was on Broadway when I was nine.

Broadway - the great sluice that washes out the dust of the gold-mines of Gotham.

The dream is to originate a role in a show on Broadway. That's the ultimate goal.

I wanna do Broadway one day in New York. That would be an ultimate dream of mine.

I have loved 'Les Miz' for so long. It was the first Broadway show I'd ever done.

Oh God, I would love to do Broadway, but I'm unfortunately not a very good singer.

I then moved to LA when I was 16... but before that I had done a play on Broadway.

It was a dream to be on Broadway as a kid, so to actually end up there, I loved it.

My father is a South African actor who danced in broadway musicals for 'Lion King.'

My long-term goal is to play a drag role or a female role in a Broadway production.

Acting, I started when I was six and a half years-old, on Broadway with Kurt Weill.

Sometimes it should be the job of Broadway to introduce stars as well as cast them.

My story is so boring: Long Island Jewish parents take their daughters to Broadway.

I believe we have to bring Broadway a little Latino flair. We have to keep it alive.

I thought that I'd always just do Broadway, my original plan, but that was derailed.

I was so happy to be able to be a part of Broadway Bares and had the best time ever!

I've done a lot of Broadway plays, and I'm fortunate they've all been so successful.

Going to America is the best prize, so fingers crossed it will work out on Broadway.

You went to your first Broadway play or musical at some point, right? Come to opera.

On Broadway, there is no censoring, just self-censorship and doing what makes sense.

I never thought of myself as a Broadway actress. I'm not really a singer or a dancer.

Most of Broadway is based on a movie or a book. You don't see many original musicals.

My early days in Broadway were all comedies. I never did a straight play on Broadway.

The only reason anyone goes to Broadway is because they can't get work in the movies.

All I ever wanted to do was be on Broadway. I mean, remember, I grew up in a trailer.

I sing a mixture of everything from opera, folk music, Broadway. It's a mix of things.

I like the fact that some of your favorite Broadway musicals are not made into movies.

What about Broadway? Yes, I'm involved with a new musical based on 'The Adams Family.'

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